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Linus; Do all fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time"?

Charlie Brown; No, many begin with "If I'm elected, I promise" LOL!


Robecology 9 Aug 19

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Great 👍

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 19, 2019

Clever and funny.


Yah… It’d be a never-ending civics lesson to describe the reality of it, perhaps going something like this: ‘If I’m elected I will submit this legislation to be considered by a committee in the lower house who, if allowed through committee, will hopefully be allowed an up or down floor vote so as to move on to the upper house … where if allowed the same, may end up on my desk … where ..if not too distorted by amendments or additions & subtractions - it may be signed by me into law! So, Vote for me?

Varn Level 8 Aug 19, 2019

That should be a disclaimer before the promise.

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