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Oh boy oh boy, I've eaten a TON of Nature Valley granola bars over the past few years. And General Mills has knowingly included some amount of Roundup weed killer in them. Dammit! Now General Mills is on my Shit List.
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mischl 8 Aug 21

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Round-up is in most things because it is in the air and mixes with rain.


On the plus side, Roundup is harmless to humans. []

They have said things were harmless many times, and later we learn otherwise.

@EdEarl Who is they? Yes, their have been historical cases where that was true. None of them were even remotely comparable to the history and science of Glyphosate, so your argument is a false analogy.


And Cheerios? I eat cheerios to stay healthy!!!!


For years, I have avoided eating processed foods. Instead I cook at home from scratch.

At age 24, I stopped eating preserved and processed meats when my father died of colon cancer at 51.


BTW, roundup is also sprayed on crops to 'set' them, so they can be harvested faster. For instance, potatoes, you harvest them when the above ground growth wilts and dies but if you spay roundup on 'em they wither faster. LOTS of crops are spayed this way.
Organic growers do not use roundup (well they are not suppose to).

@CrazyQuilter STILL I prefect naturally grown stuff. 🙂 I've grown potatoes (I had 10 acres) and never used chemicals - ever.

@CrazyQuilter I do not fear glyphosate I simply find home grown organic foods have a fresher better taste. I had 10 acres and never had problems with fungi, weeds and such.
ANy thing in excess is a problem and can be toxic and I happen to think roundup ready corn, soybean, beet, etc. was a really bad idea and NOT necessary.

@CrazyQuilter I also think the bigger issue is, what studies have been done? Ones not funded by parties with an interest in the outcome. Lead in gasoline and the tabacco industry come to mind. Aspartmame is another one.

@CrazyQuilter and now we have weeds resistant to round-up, whoda thunk? Yes, commercial farming is different than a small truck farm. It's a personal choice for me and I choose to not use round-up or have it in my food.

@CrazyQuilter I was with a man for 15 years who worked the big ag farms in CA. We worked my little plot without chemicals, it was a choice and not thru ignorance did we come to that choice. I realize many do not have the option to grown their own food. I don't run around rantin' on the evils of roundup and big or small it is a personal choice, that's all.


Since I have not eaten wheat, oats, barley or rye for over 20 years - doing the gluten free thing - I can still understand your anger over this. I hate monsanto/roundup/bayer!
Roundup is toxic. This what we get when we allow big business to control our government.

You're singing to the choir, here, Ms. Otter. I've been marching steadily toward a 100% organic diet for years. But it's not so easy. I'm not a farmer and don't want to be.

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