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How dare he say that in that locale!

DZhukovin 7 Aug 23

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Wow, another "christian" takes a fall! You go, girl!

Why, because he said that fat women don't go to heaven? That's probably a supported conclusion in some philosophical text, I don't know why "christian" is put in quotes, here.

@DZhukovin how do you get That from my Total agreement that he took a fall.......and my encouragement of the gal who pushed him? WTH?!

@AnneWimsey Yes


"But chubby boys are always welcome in the rectory."

Shoehorning sexist accusations is a tacked-on input here, sir.


How about a gong (a la the Gong Show) every time a religious leader tells a lie or says something ridiculous.

Every idiot needs a gong so the world will understand why their behavior is so insulting.


I can guarantee you that fat women will indeed NOT go to heaven.
(So he is technically correct!)

But then none of us are!


like omg Rick, do you hate women?

If you make humorous jabs at fat women, you won't get any p**sy. That's just a fact of the entire picture of the natural and objective universe.

@DZhukovin First you should know that I would NEVER make a post like that unless it was a joke. So, let me explain it to you as it went way over your head.

Fat women will not get into heaven... Neither will SKINNY women... Nor will black or white women... Men? Nope... Men are ruled out entirely because......


Get it?

@RiverRick Lol I was playing around. Also, obviously heaven does exist. Where do you think they make the skinny women? 😉

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