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Studies show over 50% of those in prison are dyslexic. I'd say it's pretty obvious as to why. You would think this would be a big thing to those in charge of our school systems, but apparently not. For those of you out there with small children, it would be interesting to inquire about any studies your school system does, or programs they have in place for those children with this strange learning disorder.
And now... back to our regularly scheduled programming. πŸ˜€

Captain_Feelgood 8 Aug 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Good little read. I was diagnosed early but not told about it till I was 18, so I wouldn't be able to use it as an excuse for not doing well in school (my parents were both teachers). Luckily I was able to compensate and come up with my own ways to cope with it, but fuck it would have been nice to know why I had issues.

Here's a sample of what reading with dyslexia can be like, fortunately only on a bad day for me, but consistently for some. 😟


1of5 Level 8 Aug 25, 2019

Although I did not test positive for dyslexia, I have always struggled with spelling and remembering numbers. But luckily I had a supportive mother and decent teachers. I would never have been able to go to college if we still use a typewriter.

Word Processors set me free πŸ™‚


CBS Sunday Morning had a great little feature on dyslexia this morning. Perhaps that's why you posted this to begin with.

Yes... that's exactly why I posted this. πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ I thought it well worth noting. (Love watching 'Sunday Morning... on ... Sunday... mornings.. 😏) πŸ˜€

@Captain_Feelgood I love it too but miss Charles Osgood. It was a little better to me when he was involved.

@Lorajay Agreed... Charles was the best.. 😌


There are federal programs for children who have dyslexia. I am sure they're all different degrees of success because of local control and local interest. Children with learning disabilities bring in more federal funds to a school system.[]

I know more money is provided for those with learning disabilities, but, it appears teachers are not recognizing dyslexic students as easily. I'm thinking a training course for them to help see it before it's an issue. πŸ‘

@Captain_Feelgood if the reporting was not misinterpreted, Congress passed a law requiring dyslexic testing recently.


Schools are not monolithic.. Though functioning within federal guidelines (or lose such funding), they’re also limited by their districts via an elected school board. So if they’re not mandated (and funded) by the Feds to test for dyslexia, I doubt most will..

Our quiltwork of school districts across the US are governed by locals in a big way. And if there’s anything their communities don’t want (unless forced on them by those Feds) - it’s not done.

Let’s say a district decided to start testing on their own, using only their scarce funds. What would they do with the results? What programs would they implement to accommodate this new found concern? Who’d pay for it?

And if the Federal Government determined it was something worth doing, would there not be the typical pushback from the far-wrong ..claiming it’s β€˜government overreach,’ or should remain β€˜a local decision,’ or that it’s β€˜a total hoax!’ -?

Good point, and something we as a nation should begin testing, tracking, and treating. But good luck getting it past a Republican..

Varn Level 8 Aug 25, 2019

Interesting view... I'm thinking more along the lines of teaching teachers that work with the elementary school level students (just starting to read) to watch for students that show signs of being dyslexic. Then reporting to parents for further testing. No big money issue until a possible problem noticed, then funding used for further testing. And by the way, I'm a Republican, and quite willing to push for this kind of spending.. (and I don't have kids).. I find your remark there quite ignorant and typical of someone that isn't willing to step outside their political bubble.. 😞

@Captain_Feelgood there is federal law under IDEA, the individuals disability educational act which mandates that if a teacher or parent suspects that there is a learning disability it is the duty of the school system to test for a disability with parent permission. This has been an unfunded mandate that most school districts struggle with the cost. Dyslexia would be covered under a specific learning disability in reading. It is not checked routinely as no learning disabilities are but parent can sign permission to be checked through a special education referral when a student is struggling with reading.

@Captain_Feelgood I’ve no political bubble, ask around πŸ˜‰ Fine with testing, but poor teachers... more learning and more responsibilities.. Yes, they can speculate, and advice ..though I suspect most already do.

Yah, I was once a republican, too. Anymore, they’ve totally lost my respect (period)


I know that prisons are filled with the illiterate and mentally ill as well! 😒

Just imagine how many out there would be productive members of society now (not in prison) if only they were diagnosed as a preschooler or in elementary school..

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