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This economist, Steve Keen, is one of the few worth listening to. This presentation was from 18 months ago and his predictions — again — seem bang on.

ToolGuy 9 Aug 25

Enjoy being online again!

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yeah, they just have to pull the right levers & everything will be just fine..NOT..


We live in interesting times, but then, hasn’t everybody?
Economists fall into a category of social scientists. They have to measure predict where economies are heading to, what makes them work, what makes them fail and every extraneous and confounding factor that can come in from left field and fire them up or fuck them over.
We are a lot in modern economics to one of the great fathers social comment, a philosopher and economist himself Karl Marx. Marx examined how this new industrial revolution was affecting the change in the world he lived in. A world which is rapidly moving from an agricultural and small business economy, where people tended to remain fairly static and follow the routines, values and norms their parents and grandparents had all lived by.
Mark saw the rise of the capitalist and capitalist system, this system supports the powerful and tramples on those who are not. At this moment in time, human society is about to go through another huge employment revolution. Jobs that were once considered purely human-based and safe, are now being replaced by some form of automation. Even economists are being replaced by computer algorithms which can predict trends in the markets. Automotive workers from the late 70s had begun to lose their jobs to robots, as they moved into the retail sector, stacking shelves and processing goods the customers face-to-face, these tasks are now being automated. Soon bus and taxi drivers will be replaced by autonomous vehicles. As the Western world clamours for new goods the manufacturing houses of the Far East will begin to automate and shed millions of workers.
In the West we must look to generating social income through the taxation of automation. This will of course cause upset in the chief capitalist as they see potential extra wealth pulled from them in the short term. Without the ordinary people being able to buy things, then their wealth will wither. Humanity is a macro problem, and must be dealt with through big thinking. There must be a fairer transfer of wealth from the moneymakers to the money spenders. This will allow the spenders to buy things from the moneymakers and some balance and stability to sit in place. Without this balance, major conflict for resources will as before take place again.

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