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Okay . . . So I may benefit from anger management training, but sometimes I get livid for a very good reason. Like this morning, as I was putting gas in my car, some local yokel in a pick-up truck stopped at the pumps just ahead of me. There, right in front of my eyes, was the truck's rear end on which were plastered four heinous bumper stickers: "Real Men Love Jesus", "NRA: Stand and Fight", Trump/Pence 2020, and "It's a Baby, Not a Choice". The toxic combination of stickers put me in the foulest of moods, and I had to chill out by going home and eating a Belgian waffle slathered with chocolate ice cream. So, what's ticked you off lately?

Rob48 7 Aug 27

Enjoy being online again!

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What? No rebel flag to go with that display.....?




Asshole who took cart I waited for acted like a smug privileged douche

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 27, 2019

Not livid, but mildly peeved... When my favorite businesses or restaurants suddenly come out with signs for a social/political stance I oppose, and the sign is right there by the tip jar, and cash register, so by supporting the business, I feel that I'm also supporting a cause or sociopolitical stance I'm vehemently opposed to.

Happened yesterday, had to choose between continuing my order for a super tasty fish taco, at a favorite small business, or going elsewhere. I went ahead and dined there, since I was meeting a business client there shortly, but I wish I had made a statement that I wouldn't be back as long as that sign of support for the cause I oppose was still there. It's their choice to post the sign - it's my choice to take my business elsewhere.

In this case the sign wasn't visible until inside and ordering. I do stay away from businesses who show their sociopolitical stances right there on the outside. Just my way of silently opposing their cause. If they lose money, good. That's their choice to gamble with their profits.

I agree 💯.


I, for one, am proud of you for not dousing him and the truck in gasoline and lighting them on fire. Not because itd be wrong, but because of the increased carbon footprint a burning gas station would have. Plus, you probably would go to jail and stuff.

Be an awesome viral vid on YouTube, though.

1of5 Level 8 Aug 27, 2019

Usually those type are major assholes. So I think, fine - fly your fuckin colors and let the world know 'who thinks what.' They do, generally blowing by ride the bumper of the next innocent...

What’s recently pissing me off is reading in god we trust on the bumpers of our local law enforcement vehicles… Another violation of separation.. So whaddya do ..when outnumbered and out-gunned by such a law breaking ignorant mentality? Still thinking, and muttering..

Varn Level 8 Aug 27, 2019

Yeah, that'll do it, my question is, did the truck have plastic balls hanging from the trailer hitch?🙄

@Winkiedink54 yeah they look really stupid on old Ford ranger.😂


Well, one of my stickers is: READ A FUCKING BOOK.
I try to pull up beside anybody displaying signs of mortal stupidity, in hopes they can read it.

I’m pissed, this past week, that a local church left a cheap postcard on my wet car windshield and it STUCK on there. Fortunately, the side with their phone number was intact. 😬 They could a)afford better proselytizing trash, right? That won’t stick on peoples’ property; B)NOT enter my property and put said trash on my car; and c)just throw my postcard on into the trash, before even thinking about such bullshit.

@NoPlanetB Excellent ideas! I’ll check the local littering laws. I’m happy to call the sumbitches back😁.


And you are not even a woman of child bearing age! Next time, add a dose of ketamine to your ice cream waffle!

@Winkiedink54 Smart!

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