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Here it is, and there isn't any way to make excuses, or spin it either.
Trump is the most incompetent president this country has ever seen.
It takes about 30 second comparison between Trump's website and any of the others to see what a real president does, and see clearly that Trump is just playing at being president. Real presidents have schedules, and plans, have goals that actually help this country. Real presidents have websites that are structured, they have supporting docs, and "We the People" petition features. They have outlines for the things they want to do.
You vote for this idiot playing at being president, and you are a disgrace to this country. You can't spin this, or make excuses for it. Trump is not capable of being a effective president.
This is Trump's website
This is Obama's website
This is Bush Jr's website
This is Clinton's website

MikeFlora 7 Aug 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Is it in Comic Sans?


That's because Trump believes he is the king of the American royal family, and they're all in a reality TV show.

No shit


I am surprised they have a website for Trump. I don't see any use of crayons though...

It's the website. It was started in the mid '90's. they make it their's will they're in office. Which is my point the other 3 websites show what a real president does, Trump stripped everything off of it about 3 or 4 months after he took office. Think of it like cyber crayons. pick any of the others and look at the content, how much stuff is on theirs and then look at Trump's lack of anything. There's no way to spin this, or make excuses. Trump is playing president, not being president.

@MikeFlora I thoroughly understood your original post... I was making a joke. Yes, Trump's website is magically different. I'm glad! Think of all the inane shit he could have up there!


Total delusions

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 28, 2019

That is amazing how the site maintains the Emporer,s new clothes are the bestest in the whole world.


As awful as he is. As terrible as he crushes the nation and brings it apart, until the actual Civil War begins (And I truly believe it may) he is still next to the worst with Buchanan on top. He is the most vile of all time I do believe. He may hit most incompetent; technically, maybe he is the most incompetent as Buchanan had a lot of external factors to hamper him.

Buchanan's claim to infamy is not doing anything to stop the civil war. Trump's claim to infamy is not doing anything

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