Bernie is sliding slowly now. It will be fast soon....Bernie only has a hype to sell, no good products.
Joe Biden's fall-apart or self-implode moment can come any time.
All others including Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Andrew Yang are in single digits and are now called the "Nuisance Pack"
Ladies and Gentlemen, what is your take?
Polls are pretty much meaningless at this stage. Voting for “who can win” is a one-way-street to worse-than-trump (lesser-evilism is what brought us trump).
I vote for the candidate whose demonstrated beliefs align most closely with my own, and let the chips fall where they may. That’s the authentic democratic system. All else is an effort to game the system, which just trades short term gain for long term loss.
The candidate whose worldview most nearly aligns with my own was, is, and will be Bernard Sanders.
Very interesting... I have just started American politics at college today, so all this is very interesting. We in Europe tend to see American left wing as our hard centre right.
So, who is this Liz Warren to you people? One thing to google it, but quite another to read what people here say.
This is Elizabeth Warren to me:
I like her better than all other candidates today and think she is most electable in the general election in 2020. That is my opinion.