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How a deadly railroad strike led to the holiday we celebrate this weekend - Labor Day.

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 31

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We forget it was labor that built this country with our sweat and tears while the rich exploit us and keep us under their heels.


America's sad history of greed and exploitation really is not covered as well as it should be in history class.
Labor has been under attack since raygun over threw the traffic controllers union.


It is amazing when you think of all of the people, from the massacre of Native Americans, slavery, and into the present, who have suffered or died in this country due to nothing more than the greed of a relatively few people. A despicable history for a country that loves to tout it's own greatness. We have never been great and it is doubtful we ever will be.

The USA’s history is no more despicable than any other countries or peoples. The First Nations of North America (who came from Asia and were not native) were fighting amongst themselves for territory before any Europeans hit the shores. Many took sides with European wars and picked the losers. African tribe attacked other tribes, kidnapped and sold other Africans to Arab slave traders who sold them to Dutch, French, Portuguese who shipped them to new world. Who has the most blood on their hands? Can you name a country that is blameless and where diversity is celebrated and the greedy are punished?

@Killtheskyfairy Agreed, but I don't see these other countries continuously calling themselves the greatest country in the history of the world. We are not even top ten.

@Sticks48 That’s just nationalist rhetoric! Who are in the top ten if not USA?

@Killtheskyfairy No manner of history should prevent a person to seek a higher state of living.

@CallMeDave I don’t understand what you wrote.

@Killtheskyfairy Politicians from both parties have been touting that line for as long as I can remember. To the rankings. If being the richest country in the world and having the most expensive and sophisticated military in the world makes you great, then you are right. We also rank 27th in the world in health and education. We rank 19th in happiness in the world. We do rank 10th in the world in income. Top 10! Maybe we just have a different way of measuring greatness. 🙂

@Killtheskyfairy "Everyone does it so it's okay" is not valid.

@CallMeDave didn’t even suggest that it was okay, merely that the USA was not exceptional in the behavior or the claim. Not an apologist but not going to overlook how no country can say they are blameless.

@Killtheskyfairy Agree, but there are many countries who do a much better job of taking care of their people than we do. This should be any government's main job. WE rank 33rd in infant mortality rate! Unbelievable! Our government fails to take care of its people at an epic level, especially considering we are the wealthiest nation in the history of the planet.

@Sticks48 You won’t get an argument from me.

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