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I don't believe in love anymore and that's just goddamn depressing. 😟

Sgt_Spanky 8 Sep 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't know about romantic love, but I do believe in other types of love and I'm very grateful for that.


Love is a thing, and out there, just harder & harder to find. But I can tell you, if it pops up, it is FAR more overwhelming than when you were younger. Maybe it is the idea of "such a short time left"?


I often reminisce about being in love, but then I think what I really miss is youth.


Romance is the bit we all yearn for. But it is based in unconscious interaction of chemicals: pheromones and hormones.

Depthful love comes from years of closeness.


I've been chasing romantic love like leaves in windstorms.

God, those winds can be cruel!

What do you do when sensuousness flows from your pores? When there is such a need to connect that you want to scream in darkened houses at midnight?

Like a turn off on a road that leads to an unexpected destination, I'm finding places to pour my heart. They're the most obvious places, too. Those places I took for granted. My friends!

It's a different reality after 50 than it was in our youth.

maybe you should gently meander and give it time to find you

@ShadowAmicus I love your words.


Love . . . .

Disappointment is merely a consequence of believing the whole premise of "love" in the first place.
Love, as defined for the most part in the USA, is some stupid concept that your counterpart who you "love" will never have their own ego, will "love" you unconditionally . . . . which is pure horse shit. Everything in life and relationships is bargaining, nothing more, one ego in apposition to another. (Note, I am not saying "opposition" to another, although this is a very fine line to walk, and opposition is often the resulting case.)
The sooner both parties realize this, the better.

powerful & depressing video.
romantic love & lust wear of in a short time & then the couple find out if they have enough in common to sustain a long term relationship.


I was in love once, but I'm not sure that I can be in love more than once. I would welcome it. I'm just not sure if it's possible for me personally.


Well I'm no psychoanalyst and never having been in love I just have my opinion. I'm not sure if you were ever in love but if you were then you know the feeling and you know it can exist. My guess is you haven't been able to find it again and that's why you're giving up on it. To me it's no different than finding a relationship. When you click with somebody there's no better feeling and it's hard to find but if you remember the last time it happened then you know it's possible. As for love, I asked my brother right before I got married how you know if you're in love and he said if you have to ask you're not. I haven't found it yet but I hope to. But because I haven't found it doesn't mean I'm giving up on it. Lots of people have it so I know it's possible. It just occurred to me that if you have siblings or parents it might be a different kind of love but it 'll give you an idea that it exists if you have strong feelings for them

lerlo Level 8 Sep 1, 2019

Thought I found it omce. Don't expect to again so I'll have to be satidfied with like. Does your wife know you don't consider yourself to be in love?

@Sgt_Spanky Divorced her long ago

@NoPlanetB Wow. What a shitnag that guy was. I fee; bad for that woman myself. Selfish pricks like him deserve nothing. In a fair world that's what they'd get but when has this world ever played fair?


Yeah but hope survives


That is depressing.

1of5 Level 8 Sep 1, 2019

Why? I love embracing reality! There are so many other things in this world that one doesn’t have to be partnered up to enjoy.

That's true but I enjoyed love and you kinda have to be partnered up for that particular experience.

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