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This makes me glad I’ve never learned about god & scriptures.

CS60 7 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Yay for teaching USEFUL information to children! Reality is so important, I am glad that I tried to best arm my children for the real world, not some distorted fantasy world...


This is obviously a fabrication—an image made up to look like a church sign. If this arouses your ire, then something is wrong and you are being manipulated.

It’s nothing but a political statement, one that I find to be underhanded, elitist, condescending, demeaning and misleading.

Frankly, I think it is pretty accurate. Bury your head in a book of fiction (bible) rather than practice ethics, empathy, and social justice. If you don’t like it scroll on by.

@CS60 No thanks, I choose to comment.


Despicable ignorance.


And the problem with that is?

I have no problem with the devil part. The god & scriptures part is the problem

@CS60 same here prefer fun


It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

I’m sure you’re qualified to enlighten kids on those critical issues.

@CS60 Yep and unfortunately some of my younger clients

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