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An omniscient god cannot have emotions. For example, if you came home to find that your spouse has been having an affair. You would become angry or sad because it is new information, something you've now learned. If you had all knowledge there would be nothing for you to learn, you would have known everything for as long as you existed. An emotional, omniscient, god nullifies itself. So, an omniscient god, repentant of previous actions, that eventually destroys everything in a flood because of anger is ridiculous and stupid (Genesis 6:6). This would be like feigning surprise at a surprise birthday party that you threw for yourself and then wrecking the place in a fit of anger because it turned out EXACTLY the way you knew it would.

Geologists before 1800 were creationists and devout Christians who believed that the rocks they were studying were deposits of Noah’s flood. But by 1840, they had completely rejected the idea of a global flood because the rock record clearly didn't support the idea. In other words, a global flood never happened and around 1840 geologists were forced to accept that fact.

The problem for believers is that the Biblical character Jesus believed in the Noah's Ark story - Matthew 24:37-39. Which of course would prove he was not a god, the messiah or a prophet.

When backed into a corner, the religious "nitpick" every little angle to save themselves. For example, I asked a "pastor" to explain why god commands Noah to take 2 of each bird on the ark in Genesis 6:20, then commands him to take 7 pairs of birds in Genesis 7:3. Here is his answer: "7 is gods perfect number, so in this case 7 is actually meaning 2, the perfect number for Noah to take on the ark." However, when I asked why didn't Noah take only 2 of each clean animal when god commands him to take 7 pairs (Genesis 7:2), He said, "Oh no, they were to be used as food and sacrifice". I wasn't about to get into the fact that the carnivores would have taken out most of the animals within the first few weeks of debarkation. How sad, accepting an antiquated book as inerrant, which has already been proven to be blatantly ridiculous, leads to this type of self-disception and delusion.

For those who would like to understand how impossible "Noah's Ark" would be, there is a great resource by the National Center for Science Education located here: []

nogod4me 8 Sep 2

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We need to bear in mind that we don’t know if ‘Jesus’ believed in Noah’s Ark or not. It is given the context by the writer of Matthew who, as an apocalyptic writer, needed the association with antiquity to give his central character validity for his role.

The problem is relating biblical texts as a coherent unit rather than an anthology of gripping stories!

We also must bear in mind that Jesus and Matthew may not have existed. That doesn't stop believers from pushing their tripe.

@nogod4me But it only affects you if you buy into it. What makes it any different to political rhetoric? There is some marvellous literature there. Same with the Mahabharata, The Odyssey, The Epic Of Gilgamesh.

I know the argument about how those nasty Christians use it but it’s a bit like McArthy and the banning of Arthur Miller et al. Just because you disagree with the context doesn’t mean it’s a crap read!

@Geoffrey51 Not really, boring, trite, and full of errors and contradictions.

@nogod4me only if you read it as a corpus. Mathew is a good apocalyptic romp. John a marvellous precursor to the neo-platonists. Revelations! Up there with Poe and King. Then the Prophets. Excellent metaphysical rumblings that Lovecraft would have been proud of. The Song of Solomon,move over 50 Shades of Gray and Lamentations, latter day Thomas Hardy “better to never have lived at all” to paraphrase.

There are a wealth of literary gems. The context they are placed in is nonsense, but that is not the fault of the works but those who placed such importance upon the non-existent interweaving of the narratives to create a systematic theology.

@Geoffrey51 Yes, I've read it. Even if you cut out the "begets", and the other "noise" or just read the Reader's Digest Condensed Bible. Not for me. Give me Lovecraft any day.

"We all know that any emotional bias -- irrespective of truth or falsity -- can be implanted by suggestion in the emotions of the young, hence the inherited traditions of an orthodox community are absolutely without evidential value.... If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences. With such an honest and inflexible openness to evidence, they could not fail to receive any real truth which might be manifesting itself around them. The fact that religionists do not follow this honourable course, but cheat at their game by invoking juvenile quasi-hypnosis, is enough to destroy their pretensions in my eyes even if their absurdity were not manifest in every other direction." -- H P Lovecraft

@nogod4me RIGHT! Which is why it makes me WIGGY when I hear someone say that the bibble should be taught in ''literature."

@LucyLoohoo I’m not saying it should be taught in school as literature any more than Fitzgerald, Chaucer or Rushdie.

I am suggesting it for people who appreciate literature to read the texts in their own context outside of the canon.

@Geoffrey51 Unless you're a drunken Irish poet ( 🙂 ) "literature'' is cohesive, actually makes sense, and is read for the joy of language.

@LucyLoohoo Hmmm okay, we agree to differ then


The first paragraph is just anthropomorphism.

Regarding the flood, is pretty much considered that a breach caused by the Bosphorus caused the flooding of the area which is now The Black Sea. This area would have been the known world during the era in which the narrative was created. Bear in mind that the flood recollection is recorded in The Epic Of Gilgamesh which predates the Genesis account by 1,000 years or so and was received narrative at that time.

As with all good stories and storytellers the tales would be embellished. As an example think of all the Shakespeare plays that have been given modern adaptions, a different text, transplantation in space and time, to appeal to a different audience.

Actually , believers and their Bible anthropomorphize their god, I simply pointed out that fact. They are constantly giving human emotions and other human attributes to their god. That was one of my points.


This brings up the problem of Theodisy

If god is all knowing, all powerful, all loving, why is there so much evil & injustice in the world. Who do good people get cancer & sociopaths become billionaires on Wall St.

So either god doesn't know, is powerless to stop it, or just doesn't care, which means he, she,it is not loving

Because when placed within the context of theodicy the thinker anthropomorphises, due to the religious trope, to paraphrase, “we are made in God’s image.” “We are like God, god is like us!” For a clearer view of a theo-centric view remove the anthropo-theistic lens.


I have emotional responses to movies I have seen a second time. Just because you have knowlege doesnt mean there is no emotion. Remember, emotion is a configuration of neural pathways interacting. Emotions as we understand them. Require the passage of time.


Even though I have no reason to think that any kind of god exists, I cannot know whether some being, or beings, that could be called a god, or gods, exist(s) somewhere inside, or outside, of our universe. However, I can know that the "God" of the Bible is too human, and too contradictory, to exist.

A god concept is no different than a Bigfoot concept, except maybe the details of the myth. It would be impossible to validate, or even investigate, every belief, notion, or concept of a believer, and there are lots of them.

Whoever makes an assertion must prove that assertion. Ask a believer why they believe the nonsense they try to push and you will notice that every answer will contain no evidence for a god.

@nogod4me Given that science shows that no god is necessary for the universe to behave as it does, and that there is no evidence for such a being, or beings, I have no reason to believe in any gods or to think that any might possibly exist. When one brings a god (a being with self-awareness, will, volition) into the equation it complicates things--and especially so if one claims to know the nature of this being and make claims about what it wants of us.

@Joanne Although I agree, we must also hypothesis that, in that context, humanity is not necessary for the universe to behave as it does, but we are here.

@Geoffrey51 There is no need for any gods--nor any evidence for any. There is no need for us--but we have evidence of our existence.

@Joanne I agree. Just saying I doubt the universe NEEDS us to exist. We just happen to be here by circumstance or whatever. There was a time we didn’t exist when the universe was forming ergo, we are not relevant to the universal process. We are a part of it but no essential for its continuation.

@Geoffrey51 Oh, okay. Yes, we a just one of the possible outcomes of energy taking different forms over vast amounts of time.


Arguing much content in an insane fiction book (bible) is like encouraging a delusional patient keeping a diary of order for sanity to resume in childhood memories building up from roots of reality, the pages and pages of bible are better used as toilet paper ....and Thomas Paine 1789 creationist wrote the first repudiation of bible content calling John, apostles and the alleged jeezus irrational "dreams" impostiture politely meaning idiotic lies...he declared the human mind is like a watch which is not tinkered with by the watchmaker gawd of Nature not divine right King George....THE AGE of REASON 3RD PART was written in Paris from his memory of the his words "to prevent Atheism" by those who might actually read the bible critically according to natural laws


This myth is exceptionally vulnerable to REASON, isn't it? If some snappish, childish deity decided to punish everyone in the world for using free will....why kill all the animals, too? Were the aardvarks being sinful? Were the pangolins being pornographic? "Allegory" doesn't even begin to touch the nonsense of biblical myths.

The allegorists are just indulging in golden age dreams, about a mythical period when there was no gutter press and everyone wrote high minded allegories with multiple layers of hidden meanings. Sorry they were just like us back then, and 90% of their writings were just trash the same as now.

@Fernapple AND....because they had no scientific knowledge to explain some every-day ''mysteries,'' they made up elaborately-detailed fantasies to explain what bothered them! Stuck with an ancient, plagiarized set of myths, they pretended to (or...scarier, still...actually did) believe the burning bushes, talking snakes, planetary deluge, etc, and diligently taught this crappola to their children!

@LucyLoohoo But our culture still does the same. There is nothing different to the Star Wars/Marvel etc. franchises and people dressing up and going to a function as a character. Mythos lives on and practiced.

The failing of our techno culture is to assume that no anachronism exists between now and pre-Bronze Age mythology.

We still sacrifice 30% of our income to the tax man because the ruling elite says so! The practice is the same, just different content.

@Geoffrey51 Interesting---and, in my opinion, correct! Films are the ''children'' of myths in our society. We're STORY TELLERS....always have been...and movies, books, oral legends continue to express that same NEED we have--to explain the universe. Think of Jesus as Han Solo....or Shiva as Aqua Man....same stuff.

@LucyLoohoo wouldn't god and Jesus be more like Beavis and Butt-Head?

@nogod4me 🙂 Stan and Ollie?


The problem for believers is that the Biblical character Jesus believed in the Noah's Ark story - Matthew 24:37-39. Which of course would prove he was not a god, the messiah or a prophet.

I like these words of yours and they prove the inaccuracy of Christianity totally. At least they do to me. Most Christians continue to believe the Noah's Ark story but it is impossible on so many different levels.


To be honest I think that sceptics have too easy a shot at Noah's ark, in many ways it is a straw-man construction to think that all theists see it as a literal story, while most know that it is a much earlier myth which predates the bible, even if they do not take it metaphorically. ( And yes I do know that there are a few really stupid/indoctrinated theists out there who do take it literally. )

IF we could duplicate the Ark exactly and fill it with animals for a few days any humans inside would likely be dead from the stench alone. No proper ventilation or sanitation.


Even simpler. If God made all the animals in the first place, why could he not do it again and save Noah the bother ?

2 is impossible for a good god to want to torment people, and animals, the good along with the bad.The babies along with the old folks, the puppies and the kittens....Sometimes I imagine how terrible it must be to drown. The suffering, though it only lasts a few minutes. An almighty god could have just simply deleted them. UGG. Why did I EVER believe? HE is the destroyer.

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