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Walmart suspending sales of some ammo. .223 and 5.56 ammo will be fazed out.

PondartIncbendog 8 Sep 3

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.223 Remington, and 5.56mm Colt are one and the same thing And they are no more "evil" than any other small arms cartridge. The cartridge is an inanimate object, that is only dangerous if you shoot yourself in the foot with it (or shoot someone you shouldn't).99.9999% of people who own weapons chambered for these cartridges do NOT shoot what they shouldn't. Just as 99.9999% of people who buy claw hammers do not beat themselves, or others with them. So, the whole thing is rather silly (done as a publicity ploy). Note, that Wally's has not banned the sale of shotgun ammunition,which they make too much money off of to ban; and which, round for round, is far more destructive than a .223!


Good for them. Regarding the comments made by reps of the NRA, Walmart also stopped selling short rifles/assault type weapons nearly 5 years ago and it doesn't appear it had any major effect on their business in terms of income. It won't hurt them one iota to stop selling the ammo for such weapons.


Jeez.... what took ya?

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