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The Christian Right and the War on America by Chris Hedges.
Chapter 7, The New Class, page 145
The emphasis on personal renewal and commitment to Christ - the staple message of evangelists such as Billy Graham and Luis Palau - is an anachronism to the new class. While speakers demand that followers give their lives to Christ, and while the born-again experience is considered the dividing line between believers and nonbelievers, the conversion experience is no longer the dominant theme pounded home from the pulpit or across the airwaves. It has been replaced by the rhetoric of war, the demands of a warrior God who promises blood and vengeance, and by the rhetoric of persecution, by the belief that there are sinister forces that seek the destruction of believers. It has also been replaced by the a conspicuous and unapologetic infatuations with wealth, power and fame. As the movement has shifted away from the focus on personal salvation to a focus on power, it has incorporated into its theology the values, or lack of them, of a flagrant consumer society

Barnie2years 8 Sep 6

Enjoy being online again!

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