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WTF? Seriousl WTF?

This is the Chancellor, this is the second highest ranking politician in the UK.
TRYING to explain how the government can fellow the law by breaking the law, but refusing to say how such a nonsense can be done.


LenHazell53 9 Sep 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome to the Orange World, and by "welcome", I mean, "you poor bastard"


As they say “Left wing, right wing same bird!”

Probably a totally different narrative going on behind the scenes so the politics is irrelevant.


It is amazing the U.S. and G.B., our closest ally, are going through the same problem of complete idiots running our countries.


Yes, this is painful. It sounds like the UK is going through as much nonsense as we are here. Apparently there is some connection between Brexit, Cambridge Anylitica, and the UK Trump lookalike. Who would have guessed?

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