Now that there are some medical supplies on my list, I've started carrying a small bag that I can wear as a backpack. It now contains raisins, paper napkins, toothpicks, earbuds, charging cord, etc. Now I understand how purses work.
I must be neurotic. I carry supplies to live on for three months in my truck. Extra clothes, extra raincoat, haba, medical supplies, tent, sleeping bag, fishing gear, inflatable vest, extra food for the dog, two camp stoves, water filter straws, fire extinguisher, two bottles propane, three months of food, and you forgot shades. Gotta have shades.
Intelligent men I know keep healthy snacks and water bottles in their car, like I do.
And crazy men carry what I carry..................
I just keep all that other crap in the car. I just can't imagine a lip balm emergency.
Lip balm can be used for a lot more than lips. What if someone got their face burned off?.
Then you have no lip balm? People will talk.
Lip balm also works for crotch sister told me that.
They also have a comb in thir shirt pocket!
What is a comb?
.. . Because maybe we aren't so smart
But we sure can handle a club!