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The debate - Last night's debate was the first one I've seen this year and I could only hang in there for the first two hours. I'm not sure if I'm any more or any less optimistic than I was prior to watching. I know that I am optimistic about getting a new president. The three candidates who impressed me the most don't stand a chance of being nominated. I think I'm already sick of this presidential race. I'm just ready to get to the nominee so I will know who to vote for.

There's one thing I know for sure that would re-energize me from now until November 3, 2020 and that would be a 10 second television ad of Michelle Obama saying "Screw it! Let's do it!"

SonnyBubba 6 Sep 13

Enjoy being online again!

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The hat is really good.

gearl Level 8 Sep 13, 2019

I love this hat. Gonna send it to all my contacts.


ONLY two hours! You deserve a medal! How long did it actually go for?

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