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This occurred in a comment on another post, but I thought it worth quoting.

All religion is a confidence trick. Yet why is it that if someone sells you a car which does not exist, you expect them to end up in prison. But if someone sells you a date with an invisible friend in the sky, who does not exist, they are invited to help run the prison.

Fernapple 9 Sep 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Here's the thing...humans have always created and fostered a belief in supernatural friends. Always! We're afraid of the dark...afraid to die...afraid to be alone. I mean that in the largest, metaphorical sense. We need that big sky buddy so we don't have to be afraid. I was in Russia about 10 years ago and was stunned to see how people there were racing to re-establish religion, once the communists quit persecuting them for observing it. They had apparently missed it DEEPLY and I saw people in churches at all hours, many seemed to be grandparents, carefully instructing children, etc.

Worried Grandparents, trying to save their heirs from what they too were taught...teach them fear and the control is in the bag...


A very well put and logical question, I believe I'll agree with KKGator on this at least it's a place to start. πŸ™„πŸ˜‰


I'd be fine with the lot of them being imprisoned for the harm they do.
Start with all the lies, and go from there.


My answer to that question is that religion is an addictive substance, to which the human animal is extremely vulnerable. Most people seem to have a very strong need to believe in gods. It probably got started when we were still living in trees. Now, a few smart people have learned the trick of supplying interesting and compelling beliefs, and they become preachers, witch doctors, shamans, priests, rabbis, and popes. If I left anybody out, I apologize.


Because what is being sold is not a commodity but a sort of insurance policy.
Reminds me of a funny story. When I was in the military I was based in the Boston area. A local used car dealership had a sale and several of us went to it. Problem was all the cars were buried in snow and all that appeared were the antennas. The dealer had photos of the cars and one bought the car based on the photos. Unfortunately, they had to wait until Spring to take ownership.


Because they are selling something that can't be proven after the fact, a car is tangible, no car is easily verifiable. The date with your invisible friend after you die isn't


All I can think is that the powers that be understand that religion is definitely the opiate of the masses and consider these con men as one of theirs.

Why do es the truth make me feel sad ?

@LetzGetReal Perhaps I care, but righteous I hope not, I always wanted to be a bad boy, nearly made it too.

@Fernapple Because it is! Or it doesn’t have full expression in our personalised experience of objective reality

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