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Mark Cuban from Shark Tank joined 'No Trump group' on Twitter. "At first as a businessman, I wanted to see a change from the traditional politician, but then he went and opened his mouth." 😂😂
vjohnson51 7 Sep 15

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I can’t understand how even the people he screwed over, some repeatedly, still show him support. I read Chris Christie’s book Let Me Finish. Trump shit on him over and over and he kept coming back for more and still supports him! And Trump does the same to everybody, uses them when it suites him then tosses them like yesterday’s leftovers. I wouldn’t work for him if he laid a million bucks on the table in front of me!

Some people have no principles, and Christie is one of them. He's still thinking he has a political future and doesn't want to piss off the base.

@Redheadedgammy, I honestly think it goes beyond that. People who let themselves be abused and turn around and come back for more have a character flaw. And I am not saying that in a detrimental way, because many people have it to some degree, including me and my ex-wife. She has no problem asking me for my help, but I cannot even suggest intimacy without being shut down badly. I am, what an old girl friend called, her “lacking.” And that is what Christie is to Trump. When Trump needs some particular advice that he thinks Christie can provide him, he contacts him and strokes his ego. Once he has what he needs he shoves him out the door until the next time. And Christie has a love for Trump that allows him to put up with it.


LMAO trump changed him he has common sense now anti trump

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 15, 2019

Cuban appears to be a self-made billionaire. That fact makes it hard for me to understand how he could have been inclined to support trump. Thankfully, he did not support him ... well, supported him for a month and then did an about face.

I've always liked Cuban, he's a smart man. Glad he got his senses straightened out!

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