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House Judiciary Committee to hold 1st impeachment hearing with Corey Lewandowski. Will he show? Today?

sassygirl3869 9 Sep 17

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Oh he's there. I'm watching the asshole Mr. Collins of Georgia make an ass of himself yet again. I wish I could throw a pie in his face.

Me too-watching it live on MSNBC. I hate that POS you mentioned and Corey Lewandowski just as much!

@sassygirl3869 I could go to the clubhouse and watch but it is just too much for my nerves. Gun control is a serious issue, if I owned one I seriously wonder if I could stop myself these shit makes me so angry!! Updates is about all I can take. Thank you for watching.

More than pie !

@silverotter11 I'm watching and watching Corey Lewandowski lie and deflect. I hope they arrest him and throw him in jail.

@silverotter11 I just turn off the sound when repubs come on to question as all they do is spew shit. Helps my blood pressure. 😉

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