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What the actual fuck?????

Fashion Brand Debuts School Shooting Hoodies, Complete with Bullet Holes


ProudMerrie 8 Sep 18

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You cannot legislate intelligence.


I have a pretty black sense of humor, meaning there is a lot that many would balk at but I'll be laughing my ass off. This? Yeah, what the actual fuck and who raised these jerks? WOW! Bad taste does not even begin to cover this shit.


This publicity has to have helped

@ProudMerrie the disconnect between the idealogical world/ protected class/status that so many people here live in, is amazing. People glorify violence in fashion, car accessories, body art, their relationships, all the time. Its a way to own something you can't otherwise control. Of course it sells.

@ProudMerrie i just went to Amazon and searched for school shooter hoody and got 113 results. Granted, most were tangentially related, eg general gun rights, or related to combat gaming, but I bet that same search will get twice as many results in a week.


Bankruptcy, the sooner the better.....


Good. everyone should be made uncomfortable about this on a daily basis. I'm waiting for the headline about a school that bans them..

MsAl Level 8 Sep 18, 2019

How crass! A vain and, I hope, futile attempt at marketing by a company seeking to profit from the tragedy of others.

"How crass!" Great way to define large swaths of Amercan culture. Thank you.

@Flowerwall we need more judgy European snob appeal! Thatll fix those, those... cretins who make up the vast majority of America and crassly spend their money on hoodies of ill repute

@MarkiusMahamius It's called APPROPRIATE BOUNDARIES which are clearly LACKING in many places. This is IRRESPONSIBLE to impressionable youth. Is there no place for decency and common sense in today's day and age?

@Flowerwall i really wish you were doing a comedic send up of the outraged nobility, but i don't think you are

@MarkiusMahamius Why would you wish that?

@Flowerwall because then youd be funny not depressing

@MarkiusMahamius I am depressing? You look at this situation and the state of our nation, with ever more frequent school shootings, and you think MY opinion on the matter is depressing? Well I am sorry for YOU. Our culture is self-destructing. Doesn't anyone see it? How can something like this have a positive effect on young people? Tell me HOW. There are so many of these elements of self-destructiveness put out there and people just gobble it up. It is especially damning when it goes for the young because they don't know better.

@Flowerwall and your solution is outrage and worrying about fashion? don't you think the roots of this might be a little deeper? and respecting the autonomy of other humans might be part of the way things change for the better?

@MarkiusMahamius So you think this should be acceptable because it respects autonomy? Not, buying it. Yes respecting autonomy is important in the right circumstances, clearly not in this instance.

The roots of what might be deeper? Don't know what the "what" is in this question.

@Flowerwall ignorance is bliss. its also how the best of intentions become irrelevant.

@MarkiusMahamius So you are gifting me with ignorance by not answering the question?

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