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The Drum Beats of War Against Iran have Started....!!!

Don't forget the war of choice - The Iraq War.

Pompeo says Saudi attack an "act of war" as Trump sounds more cautious note... []

Watch out for what's to come next:

  1. CIA and other agencies will start coming out with "evidence" that Iran attacked
  2. The drum beat will start at the UN. Arms of allies will be twisted, special favors such as aid, trade advantage will be offered to vote with the U.S.
  3. France will oppose and the Republicans in Congress will name something else from French to 'Freedom'
  4. Defense and weapons industry and the middlemen will be very pleased in the U.S. who will fund all Republican PACs generously
  5. U.S. Air Force will be used for air strikes, Trump will ask allies to join in sending ground troops, some right wing governments will join Trump
  6. Generous loans and foreign aid will be given to Saudi Arabia before, during and after the war
  7. The whole farce will be called by a fancy name with "Freedom" word in it
  8. Neo-right-wingers will rise in the White House
  9. Fox News will call for freeing the Iranian people from dictatorship of the Ayatollah but will make no mention of the dictatorship of the Saudi royals
  10. Trump will ask voters not to change "horse in mid-stream' just like Bush did during the second term election
  11. Iran's Ayatollah will call it the "Mother of All Wars"
  12. The United States will have more enemies and more terrorists hating us who did not hate us as much before

It is all coming. It is Deja Vu again

St-Sinner 9 Sep 18

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I think Trump is a bag of hot air, and that he will back down.

But what about these?

  1. Saudis buying his apartments for $30, million, $40 million as he said?
  2. Saudis giving big donations to his presidential library in New York
  3. Defense industries need business
  4. 'Wag the Dog' before the elections
  5. His legacy of fighting terrorism?

There is too much at stake.


It's the Saudi's war but arguably trump caused it when he reneged on the Iranian nuclear agreement and destroyed the USA's international credibility. What did he expect Iran to do? They have no reason to not create Nuclear weapons now and we can expect more instability and bad actions. The "stable genius" has no idea how to get out of his mess now.


It is an act of war, Saudi Arabia's war. Who knows what individual one is going to do though. He initially said something about asking what Saudi Arabia wanted him to do about it. What a shmuk.

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