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Hi guys
Help me out here.

I responded with an answer below, after the link furthest below was posted on our local secular group.

"Compassion is the signature of Higher Consciousness. Non-violence is the tool to evolve into the Higher Consciousness".


Now someone wishes to know what does Higher Consciousness means?

I know it's our energies with the earth, animals the universe etc but I'm looking for a great response to that question.

How would you answer that and also based on the link I attached?

TimeOutForMe 8 Sep 19

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Is "higher consciousness" another code name for gods or spiritualism, entering via the back door?

A person can have a higher awareness of the world and its issues, a person can be more empathetic, a person can be more intelligent, but that is all as a human being; and that's all we're ever going to be. Evolution is not a self-initiated process, it's the process of natural selection for a species survival. One can't "evolve toward a higher consciousness" any more than I can evolve toward bigger arms.

The terms you use, "our energies with the earth, animals the universe etc" have no rational meaning. This is mysticism. That's how I would answer it, and how I believe most atheists would.

Thank you for your well-written response.

Excuse me, which backdoor and whose backdoor?


As a person who leans toward the concept of universal consciousness, I feel that your questions are meaningful and worthy of discussion. Although universal consciousness is not currently a part of the body of scientific knowledge, the concept has been conjectured by various prominent physicists.

If, as many think, our sense of self is only an illusion, it can be supposed that our bodies are only robotic machines with no conscious awareness or free will. Yet we do experience consciousness—that is all we experience. We are Consciousness. In that sense every conscious being is an expression or extension of universal consciousnesses. We are one.

Compassion is more than just an emotion—it is a realization of unity. When I feel compassion I am feeling compassion for Myself, a single being. It is not about trying to be a good person. A compassionate person can’t help herself—it is a logical necessity to be compassionate.

When I look at the pictures of your dead animals all I see are dead robots. I don’t think nature gives a damn about individual organisms. They are frail, temporary arrangements that were slated to suffer and die. Nature is working the way it is supposed to work, and it is neither good nor bad. What is of value is the whole continuum of life.


Heralding in the age of not being a dick. That time when the human species matures into adulthood and is capable of genuine shared empathy. Not just with human beings but with all beings. This is something that shouldn't be hard and it definitely shouldn't be discussed in New Age or Spiritual jargon. There is no such thing as a higher consciousness or harmonic vibrations and all the other gobbledygook we hear. It's just growing up and putting down tribal crap. Amare incondizionatamente.


We can use simple English without these convoluted jargons.

Higher Consciousness to me is ... "Being Alert about a purpose or purposes higher than yourself."

It is about leaving ego and thinking of a purpose beyond yourself. In other words, it just means being selfless and being a good human being.

I always stay away from things, people and places that use these convoluted terms to sound superior and intelligent. Life is not complicated when you decide to be just a good human being. You will start seeing things clearly. To me, that is the highest goal above money, career, property, fame and all else.

Thank you for your awesome response!👍


a higher consciousness can look at a menu and choose.


We are Energy and everything which happens to us, happens for (good) reasons?, to merge our good energy with energies of other's, of the Earth's and the universe. I'm not a philosopher or other but have a good grasp of things in general.

We are just a biological specie that has more brain power than other animals. That's all. No energy, no consciousness, nothing divine, nothing special, no mystery.

Please make your life simple and happy. Love yourself and love others. You will get most of life with that approach. People who drive to luxurious ashrams and gateways ignore the naked, starving, sick on the way. They are phony. A real good human being will share and think beyond himself or herself. I really think that life is not that complicated. We can live without all these difficult terms.

Thomas Hobbs suggested that life is “nasty, brutish and short”, Tennyson’s In Memorium states

“And love Creation's final law
Tho' Nature, red in tooth and claw.

Nature is! Good/bad are anthropomorphic and personalised notions of our expectations. To invoke or comment upon good/bad expects a preferential regard. Hence the birth of gods, goddesses, good energy, bad energy.

Process will continue in its own way, regardless of human desires, unconcerned about our petty fancies.

Tennyson again

“Unwatched, the garden bough shall sway,
The tender blossom flutter down,
Unloved, that beech will gather brown,
This maple burn itself away.”


Most of us do not believe in such claptrap and your attempt to get us to discuss it AS IF it were an actual thing is disrespectful and annoying.

Why do your response have to be so mean Level 8?
You could've given it a miss!

Your earlier message of "Go Away" (U see is deleted now) was out of character. I don't mind the disagreement!

See your initial response! Where it says Go Away

@TimeOutForMe So,gonna beat that dead horse more than once...I hadn't had my coffee yet, excuse meeeeee. Butnow, I want your obsessive ass to GO AWAY for fact, you are blocked. Bu-bye

for once I agree with you Anne

There is always the option of disagreeing without being a disagreeable ass. So much for what Evidentialist called "age of not being a dick". It would be nice to believe that agnostics and atheists could have rational discussions without immediately responding like a Churchian whose "beliefs" have been insulted. But then, agnosticism and atheism is also a religious escape mechanism for many that simply want a belief system that they can use to ward off uncomfortable thought. And in that, they are as self-deluded as the most eager of theists. So, go ahead. Take your ball and run on home, pardon me if I laugh just a little at the irony. And the clutching of pearls! And the flounce, because that was DEFINITELY a flounce!

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