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Good point

bobwjr 10 Sep 21

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Perfect point


Oh man, I know every election is important but hot damn, if we don't get the cheese puff out and get a liberal in we are in for a world of hurt. I've heard New Zealand might be a nice place to live

New Zealand, not a bad choice, that's where the women are frustrated and the sheep are always very nervous.
Did you know that the Kiwis invented the very first ALL natural condoms by using sheep intestines, we Aussies improved on their idea by taking the intestines OUT OF the sheep first though.....LOL.

@Triphid spoken like a true aussie, lol

@Nakedterror Well, we Aussies have always enjoyed the teasing banter between us and the Kiwis, especially ANYTHING to do with the millions of sheep they have running around over there.
Like for example;

How can an Aussie tell that there's been a Kiwi in his refrigerator?
A. There are love-bites on his leg of lamb....LOL. or,
How does a Kiwi get his girlfriends attention?
A. He just shouts out, " Hey ewe." Lol

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