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I miss this america

bobwjr 10 Sep 23

Enjoy being online again!

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GWB started 2 wars.
Trump 0.
We're much better off with Trump.

BD66 Level 8 Sep 23, 2019

Kill the tyrant! Return our America!


Nice. Congratulations Progressives! One damn photo?

After the tremendous anger against his Iraq war and extreme conservative polities of 8 years, George W said the history will judge me differently and he is working on it. Get ready to accept the Dallas Airport to be named after him in 10 years and soon Democrats singing his songs of praise. It will make your forget how bad he and Cheney were

  1. The CIA agent outing
  2. Lied to American people and the UN about Iraq war
  3. Twist other countries arms, offer sweet deals to make them vote with the U.S. at the UN for the Iraq war
  4. The choice of the unnecessary and terrible Iraq war.
  5. Billions of hard cash spent in Iraqi streets, without any accounting available whatsoever
  6. 3,500 American sons and daughters in body bags, thousands others maimed, disabled
  7. Thousands of civilians killed in the war
  8. Allowed selected Saudi Arabian families to leave the U.S. after 9/11
  9. Abu Ghraib prison tortures on camera
  10. Waterboarding and other tortures in Guantanamo Bay prisons, prisoners held without trial for decades
  11. Ran country on Christian religion
  12. Called Pakistani president Musharraf.... 'A man of peace'. The country that sent the most terrorists to the U.S. and U.K.
  13. Named the fist American taxpayer built hospital in Kabul after "Laura Bush"

Hard to believe that I long for the days of W....

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