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As outdated and unnecessary as tribalism is in this modern age, it is arguably a more prominent social construct now than it ever was. Despite advances in so many avenues of life this seems to be a stagnation or perhaps even a devolution.

HockeyGuy 6 Sep 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Interesting. The Modern Age is gone, post-modernity is waning, and we are entering neo-tribalism!

Politics has failed the people which is why populism is heralding a new dystopian age.

Watch out for the factions as we head into a C21st global War Of The Roses.


Humans by and large have always been tribal. If associating with like minded folks is tribalism, there is no reason to believe it will ever change. I have traveled most of this country and have seen some amazing places, but after spending time with the folks living there, I realized I could never live among those folks. Tribalism is here to stay.

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