Of course we should listen. Trump's phone call was a "something for something" in that he is asking a foreign power to help him in his 2020 re-election by going against a man who would be his major competition. This is against the U.S. rule of law and has to be dealt with accordingly. Trumpers want to skip that entirely and avoid it. The problem is that this is not the first time Trump has done such a thing.
Will the Ukraine now investigate? Of course they will. They will claim they are doing this in their own way but secretly they hope that Trump might change his mind on the withheld money.
When I saw this report, I said a great big mental YES! There just might be a chance it will cause the tRumpthuglicans to grow a spine. However, tRump might start a war to up set everyone's plans. He might just try to take us all down with him.