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Thoughts on and experience with this?
I have family who have said this to me regarding all the things they hate about me! I do wish they’d just admit they hate ME.
Cross posted to Abuse Survivors group

CarolinaGirl60 8 Oct 1

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I have conservative, fundamentalist family members. I just can't figure out how to say, I love you, you're family, but damned I find it hard to have any respect for you. So I just hold my tongue.


Love all the varied views here ,but in a way they all say love your self the way you are and embrace the good and spiritil side of things And that sin is just a made up man thing for power and control to put you down and to try to conform you to there misguided ways


i fucked all of my so called family off


I say, "Love the sin, and find the sinner who's really good at that sin."


Anyway, sin is an abstract concept. It has no objectivity. Just think if you were a Catholic or Protestant in C17th Europe you were a ‘sinner’ in either camp!

Sin is one of those weasel words to try to extract guilt where guilt doesn’t exist.

Abstract and objective. The Catholic church had nothing about suicide as a sin, until too many priests decided to get to heaven and leave their literal shit hole. Then it became a sin. I expect much sin is similarly founded.

@Beowulfsfriend I thought it was Augustine that declared suicide a sin in early C5th and something to do with Lucretia’s suicide after she’d been raped. I may be wrong there but something similar is at the back of my head somewhere

@Geoffrey51 Yes, two hundred years after the church laid its treaties and laws and set the trinity as the "correct" version.


It’s a pile of Christo-centric claptrap. You will probably find in a proper conversation about anything they have no passion, no drive, no direction as they only have a script. Strip all that conditioned bollocks out of the way and you will get to the real people, but so long as they have the Christian clothes on they will just be two dimensional, parrot-like, commentators and will bring no upliftment or encouragement to your life.

Right? My brother is a miserable person underneath the bigotry and hypocrisy. He’s compelled to brag about his money, power, and how much he helps the poor. I’m legitimately poor, and chronically ill; he called me a lying faker to my face. He has never once offered to help me!

@CarolinaGirl60 Sounds insecure and a vey large dickhead. I think Jeez had something to say about braggadocio and the widow’s mite being more valuable in the eyes of God

Perhaps throw that one at him. Don’t know the reference but probably Matthew. He does well with the grand narrative!

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