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Pros and Cons of being a Dad's girl.
Cons: 1) I don't know if I'll ever be able to find a man who I love as much as my Father. I have never experienced romantic love. 2) Men get intimidated because I know how I'm supposed to be treated and I have high standards. 3) He lives 3 hours away and I am much closer to him versus my mom. Growing up tore me apart when I had to leave him during our visits. 4) When in a romantic relationship, you put your partner above everyone else, which would mean less contact with my Father (in my opinion).

Pros: 1) True unconditional love. 2) I never once had to question "Does he really love me?" 3) Being able to tell him so much without hardly any judgments. 4) Having that one parent in your life who you know will always be there for you.

vjohnson51 7 Oct 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Sounds like something you should talk to your Dad about. J/K. I can't help you, I'm buried in lifelong family issues, but Good Luck!

twill Level 7 Oct 1, 2019
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