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"The entire climate change issue has become a covert means in this final confrontation between the left and the right. This is the very issue that will destroy the Western Society for it has been elevated to such heights and governments love it for all they see is more power and money. The activists behind the curtain are simply Marxists who are determined to make communism work one more time."

i'm apolitical but could this be true? i wouldn't dismiss it lightly.

callmedubious 8 Oct 2

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You’re not apolitical.


The confrontation between left and right?
like two small tribes armed with bows spears and slingshots facing each other on an open plain, while a modern army with tanks and planes stands back and watches,
|It is an irrelevance if you are politically left or right - a far greater power is waiting to engulf you.- Mother Earth will swallow the coastline cities and existing social norms and structures will be severely challenged

Look at old tribal proverbs from around the world - all say, in a nutshell - you learn to live with nature or you die
modern civilisations are having to relearn that hard lesson


It’s your delusion, not mine.]


"I'm apolitical, but...." -Very political people posting very political ideas


covert by the left? how so? seems to me they are screaming the loudest. and why does this intimate that it is the left at issue? if climate prediction / cause science is half right, it is conservatives that are fighting the truth, and it seems a bit covertly. over 90% (real, real conservative here) of people who do this type of work for a living say it is real and cite studies, models... you know, science. where do the people on the right get their science? i have seen at least one of them cite the bible as fact. he is an idiot.

i found the OP quote on this blog... i have no clue the affiliation, but the website looks just under-engineered enough for me to be dubious. cursory check of their "about", but that is all i am willing to do


i did see something else written where this guy, martin armstrong, calls climate science pointing to man-made contributions a religion.

"this final confrontation" between the left and right? final? how so? final and an end to western civilization as if world war three is over climate science? more like when the water starts rising, the shit will hit the fan, imo.

it always amazes me when people try to cast liberals as a monolith that believe in one thing so much that they have mustered a deep state that controls things... right under the noses of all the old white male politicians that make all the rules. these dudes must be dumb as fuck if there is a deep state afoot. i mean dumber than thinking god will save you after the planet belches fire and finger flicks us into oblivion.




None of this makes sense.

@athena right because science is political. What jibberish


Greta climate movement is the largest in history and most important honorable duty of every man, women and child on earth. Rejected by world leaders mainly for political will to face facts of science. There will be some politiscain who will steal and take advantage by giving bogus fake solution's to cash in on.


I am OK with it up to the "The activists behind the curtain are simply Marxists who are determined to make communism work one more time."

Reason being, that both parties are indeed in it for the money and power, and the filthy rich cannot survive under pure communism, so there is no reason why they would want it. As for the fact that the two parties are at each other's throats, nowadays, they are so much alike (extremely corrupt, war-for-profit-loving, representing corporate greed, not citizens) that they may as well just be the same party. It is not likely that the division between them will bring one or the other down, more likely they would both go down together. Also, given their penchant for idiotic in-fighting and complete disregard for education, China and Russia will inevitably surpass the USA, if they have not already. The USA is a setting sun, China and Russia are both rising suns. The petrodollar is doomed . . . .

When the US dollar collasps, much of the world will collasps also. Many countries are aware of this and attempting to change their systems. Adding on climate change to the mix throws into the Cluster Fuck!!!

Most hearts and minds of people have spoken and much of it will have to change along with it for number one reason more important than money, what is health.

Russia and China are buying gold . . .

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