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Did I do wrong? A moral question.

Here goes: the phone rings and it is from North Carolina, where my daughter lives, not her number, blah, blah. I answer because my scam alert didn't say Scam likely. It is a taped voice selling insurance and I listened to its options, hoping for a no call one. Then I realize as the voice says, "Have a blessed day," that it is a xtion bs. So, I decided to act in an angry manner at the sales person. Hit the number two and when the lady said, do you want family or individual insurance, I replied {mind you i was acting, but I felt the anger as I growled at her. i was fine immediately after hanging up). "I want you to fuck off; i hate being blessed." Then hung up.

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Beowulfsfriend 9 Oct 3

Enjoy being online again!

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This response is my opinion:
Yeah, that was not cool. Nobody likes telemarketers, and I'm sure it's possible that played at least some role in you being annoyed, but that wasn't your focus. Your focus was, "Have a blessed day." Those words spoken on a recording sparked the bulk of your contempt. This was a recording saying, have a blessed day, and you took out your anger on a human who never did anything to you. You exploded on her with something far more unkind. "I want you to fuck off; I hate being blessed" I don't think I need to explain why that was uncalled for because you obviously felt some guilt; otherwise you wouldn't have posted this question. Having felt guilt tells me you're not a bad person.


I often do the same. I'm on the national Do Not Call list. It is illegal for them to call me. Why should I show respect for a criminal? Especially when they are trying to rip me off.


I have fully accepted that I would have been better served to have ignored and moved on with my life. I will attempt to not do something similar.


You are not actually evil incarnate but I had fun clicking on that. 🙂

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