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Armageddon Update: American or 'Murican?

MLinoge 7 Oct 5

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100% spot on!


I know a guy who admits he used to be in the KKK, he is a nice guy at times, but when one day during the election, I mentioned Hillary Clinton, he started in with the laundry list of emails, immigrants, niggras pouring out of the inner cities to inflicte crime on god fearing mericans. He was sure, after his ten minute rant about how Obama had destroyed our country and only trump could save it from the societal breakdown, that that would convince me to vote Trump. I just glazed glassy eyed at him and nodded since I could tell, any disagreement on my part would only cause him to get more upset. Oh, he mentioned athiests too as those people who took prayer out of the classroom.


Don't enjoy one-sided Muricans.


This guy is Hilarious & 100% Correct!

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