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There seem to be a fair number of atheists on, but this question is for agnostics: Do you think the existence or v nonexistence of God is simply unowned, or is it unknowable--a sort of Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle on a cosmic scale rather than a quantum scale?

GarytheGondolier 6 Oct 10

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I like using the learning of 'god' as being undefinable. Because of that, I also like using the saying that I am a philosophical agnostic yet practical atheist. I also like that some of the historical researches have said, based on their observation, that monotheism has caused some nasty behavior.


God is ultimately undefinable and so ultimately unknowable.


No evidence for god therefore god unknown, no evidence for the question as a Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle therefore HUP unknown.


It’s a sort of “does it really matter” question!


I think that the question is meaningless. It is meaningless because there is no adequate definition of God. There is no adequate definition because all of our human concepts are based on an artificial and illusional frame of reference.

We can conceive of ultimate reality beyond our delusional bubble, but we lack the ability to understand the nature of that reality, and to stick some label on it such as “God” accomplishes nothing.

Neither belief nor disbelief seem appropriate to me. The only response that seems reasonable in the face of the staggering implications of the mystery of existence is total bewilderment, awe, wonder and reverence. Adding to the wonderous situation is the fact of our conscious awareness, a phenomenon that we take for granted, but which undergirds everything that we experience.

Edwin Schrodinger:

Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else.


At this point it is unknowable. Since there is no proof either way... Scientifically I must say that I am an Agnostic. I do not think there is a god... But I cannot prove he doesn't exist. (Just like xtians can't prove he is/was real.)


The existence of gods is unknowable unless a god is to suddenly step forward. So far we have had none.

But how would God even "step forward"? If a giant old man encased in light appeared before me and announced he was God, I wouldn't think that I had seen God. I would think I had lost my mind.

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