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I listened to the latest Sam Harris podcast featuring Megan Phelps Roper, former member of WBC. This is her second appearance on the podcast. She is quite articulate and the interview was very intriguing.

Truthseeker1968 6 Oct 11

Enjoy being online again!

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What is WBC? When I googled it I got white blood cell.



I heard her on NPR.

Her talking about her experiences then, and her changed outlook now, was intriguing.

And her grandfather, who founded that church, and who came to speak to and know the owners of the equality House changing his views about gay people.

And his being excommunicated from the church he founded and shunned by his family (who made up the entire church) as he was dying...for finding mercy.

All very profound. The positive side is that if a man as staunch and hate filled as him can change there is hope for anyone. Megan certainly falls in that camp as well.

I have ordered her book. Looking forward to reading it.

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