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Your veiws on Spiritual?
Often Atheist misunderstand when I express spiritual sided. Thinking my idea of spiritual is not much different than a religious idea of spirituality.

Here is the difference.

Religious believe, is matter of faith not supported by solid facts. They would conclude God is all spirituality from anicent times. Everything within 1000s of years. Starting with total Creation within 7 days, POOF!!! Light, earth and all earthlings living in a Majic Wonderland of Universal truth and knowledge.

My thought can be or not be the result of research and study leading to a conclusion. I am what I think. I think spiritual is the 99% unknowns with good intentions and all creatures & things connected. Til spiritual is manifested into our ego selves. I think people are generally good, adjust your mistakes and don't regret your sins nor your pass. For your health and what you can forget are the two most important things for your happiness and less suffering.

Everything in evolution from millions and billions of years. Jesus is the most popular human on earth, yet we really can't ID him and most of his Religion was a copycat of pior religions. Darwin, father of Evolution crosses all cultures, most schools, Religions and countries. The bases of all bio-organism, are we not bio-organism first?

Castlepaloma 8 Oct 13

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"Everyone has a human spirit, but not everyone has a religion." This statement was made in a video interview I watched today with a present-day Hawaiian scholar and kahu describing what he saw as the difference between the atheistic spirituality of the inhabitants of Hawaii from about 500 CE to about 1300 CE, before the polytheistic religion was introduced. (500 years before Christianity was introduced)

The point being made in the interview is that the original inhabitants of Hawaii had a one-ness with their immediate surroundings and equality in their community. Life was simple and peaceful, until the introduction of multiple gods and myths, new society rules, a class system of rulers and slaves/subjects, human sacrifice, wars with the brutal conquering of the other islands through bloodshed and death.

This polytheistic religion brought to Hawaii from Tahiti (by a warrior priest named Pa'ao) was called "Kapu" and evidently didn't work out so well after giving it a try for a few hundred years, since the Kapu system was finally broken and abolished by an act of male and female royalty eating together, which was forbidden, and the susbequent order of the destruction of the heiau temple and idols.

This happened in 1819, shortly before the arrival of the first Christian missionaries to Hawaii, and Queen Kaahumanu was impressed by this new religion and believed Christianity was a more modern religion, kinder than the Kapu system she had recently abolished, so she encouraged her subjects to accept Christianity.

To me, it seems that a religion is put in place to give power to an elite class and humble the lower class into serving, where in a more egalitarian system without a religion dictating behavior, all of society is in one boat, there is unity. I don't know, but it's an interesting question, the difference between spirituality and religion.

Spirituality is how we address and care for our surroundings unfiltered, where a religion might have you caring more about the god/s and rules that don't make sense? I do think there is a difference between spiritual and religious.

Interesting, do you have a link?

I never heard of any spiritual sided people bombing or taking over places like Pearl Harbours. Or destroy innocent people, temples and statue of leaders in Iraq. Bush was saying God told him to attack Iraq, confirmed by his little dog. Spiritual is like a tool for positive creative effects. Opposite to a destructive conflict Religions. Every largest Centro organization I know of , is more harmful than good. Especially Centro banking.

I don't see spiritual sided in bed with Religion or with 95% Judeo/Christains US Congress, Politicians or Military. Spiritual is high energy tapped into personal growth and joy. No claims of superiority, leave that up to Jealous God's.


Religious is blind and comfortable numb as science is lame. Not sitting on my hands saying I don't know. I'm exploring the unknowns with spiritual method and technics as a tool like science in my tool box, both are my favorite tools. It's the imagination that takes them and you beyond.

About 90% of our white matter of our brain we don't know how to access to, plus the Universe. Their are so many technical ways to unleashed our 90% white matter. Only did this once, first eye opener was a hit of acid and my brain change from a world class athelite to an reknown artist in very little time. Luckily didn't fuck up my brain just a screw loose artist. It turned out to be the best love of my life by opening up part of my untapped brain.


I tend to think that spiritual means belief in something for which there is no evidence.

Scientists seek to quantify everything—even the ineffable. And so the human search for meaning recently took a physical turn as Columbia and Yale University researchers isolated the place in our brains that processes spiritual experiences.

I don't know how concrete this is, my guess it's only in a small part of vast more to come.


Sir Arthur Eddington:

The universe is of the nature of a thought or sensation in a universal Mind... To put the conclusion crudely — the stuff of the world is mind-stuff.

We are no longer tempted to condemn the spiritual aspects of our nature as illusory because of their lack of concreteness.

The scientific answer is relevant so far as concerns the sense-impressions... For the rest the human spirit must turn to the unseen world to which it itself belongs.


I am with you there. It’s an unfortunate terminology for something you either feel or you don’t.

To me it’s a personal thing and seems to have the same effect on some anti-religious people as mentioning Christianity.

Do what you do and be what you are. Nothing to explain, nothing to excuse!


I don't understand spirituality. I agree that it is different from religion, spirituality being the vector of religion, but what spirituality is seems impossible to pinpoint on account of everyone seems to have their own unique definition. You ask 10 people what spirituality is you will get 25 different answers.

Because of this lack of precision in definition, I don't think its even useful to talk about it because no two people, and even individuals amongst themselves can agree on what is being discussed.

I build many historical stories in theme parks, museums, stag and film. The greatest number of great men in human history speak highest about imagination, science and spiritual inspired. They managed to focus on what inspired them from the unknowns ready to be discovered from the invisible to the visible real world. To some degree they were an artist like myself.

@Castlepaloma Have you ever seen any of those videos or heard stories about AI or robots that consistently find solutions to problems that humans wouldn't normally think of or just in general doing narrow tasks more efficiently than humans?

I find it hard to accept that creativity arives from the unknown when their state is perfectly ordered, known, and predictable yet they consistently exceed our expectations.

The last time my art bussiness took a slight dive. It was from a machine called Andy Warhol. Automate machines and computer were only sometimes enhancer, most times they could not beat my combination of hands, mind and heart.

I see horror movies about robots and machines taking over the world. Most can be frightened, for me it is not realistic enough. Machine at best is a copy of our thoughts, can't imagine a machine or computers going beyond the source of where it all came from, our godlike own imagination.

I see horror films of Aliens, I hope they don't eat us like stupid cows or chickens. I hope they are really intelligently treat us with love like children. Not like these moron God's.

@Castlepaloma When the machines take over it will be peaceful. More or a casual transition that we will go through willingly. It is not hard to make a machine go beyond its intended source.

Like logic, creativity can be coded.

Maybe the machines will have us service them. Like Centro Bankers, media and cell phones do to us today.

My imagination and 3 brains is the boss and will kick bankers or machine ass, at least in my lifetime.
Not counting the 90% white matter at what mankind hasn't even been tapped into yet.

@Castlepaloma I hate to be the bearer of bad new, but the factoid "you only use 10% of your brain" is a myth.

The conculsion was.
Ultimately, it's not that we use 10 percent of our brains, merely that we only understand about 10 percent of how it functions.

That why they call it 90% grey matter because grey areas means the bio scientists community dose not know how it functions. I call it white matter because it is in full operational. It's just we don't know it's unknown protential.

@Castlepaloma If we had 10% knowledge of the brain, that would be major cause for celebration. Modern neuroscience is incomplete, with a ton of research ahead of us. Personally I don't think the sum of knowledge held by all scientists and lifelong professionals even breaches 1% of all things to be known about a single human brain but this is highly speculative, because we don't even know what we don't know.

Tim Urban did a post a while back about Neuralink and the challenges with that, just to put things into perspective if you are looking for a good read.

Yes, it would probably take the most intelligent man who ever lived to use 10% of the brain.

Interesting read. The more I learn about people, the more I love animals, just not late at night.

Jellyfish are most amazing to me. It has no brain, no backbone. It is 10 times the weight mass of humans. Jellyfish cover more area on planet earth than human. They travel to the deepest oceans for its prey. It is the only animal with scientists proof of immortality. Then the Bible speak how jealous it is about the jellyfish. Christianity perfers the smiling of the dolphin as they talk about him, with phony Hollywood smiles.


"Spiritual" is a music genre. I have emotions which can be triggered by experiences, smells, surroundings, and memories. If I have a significant "moment" I do not refer to it as spiritual. That sounds like woo.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 13, 2019

Spirit in any such context is indicative of a supernatural, or at least none material entity of phenomena that impact on the real world in one for or another.
I reject that concept absolutely.
The only other definition of spiritual is as relating to alcohol and or intoxication, I chose then to assume when anyone says they are spiritually motivated, they are admitting that they are as pissed as a fart and thus excuse the bullshit they are spouting.

There’s no such thing as the supernatural. There is however ultimate reality which can not be understood from our frame of reference. It’s still natural even if we can’t grasp it.

@Allamanda I’m not sure if I understand you. Are you saying that we need the word “supernatural” to speak of emotions and other intangible things? Offhand I can’t think of the word being used like that. Maybe my mind is in a rut, but I think of the supernatural as something like magic that is imaginary and not real. On the other hand I lean toward thinking that things like ESP phenomena are real and could be understood if we had a better way of thinking—more advanced science.

@Allamanda Oh, I am with you on spirit! We definitely need the word.

See my response at the top, some quotes by a very intelligent Brit.


Spiritual is your ‘vibration’ your overall state of being. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even things that look solid are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. This includes you."

From a scientific and metaphysical perspective, Sturdy further explains that we are a ‘being’ that is made up of different energy levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each of these levels has a vibrational frequency, which combine to create your overall vibration of being.
I see spiritual vibration is the highest level of energy that each of us can generate or create. No God needed

All vibrations operate at high and low frequencies, within us and around us. If your vibration is low it will be evident; it's simply a matter of bringing awareness to your situation and then working on rectifying it. Perhaps money no longer flows, your health is poor or you feel surrounded by negative people. When your vibration is high however, this is that beautiful sense of living in the flow. Here you may be inviting inspiring people into life, jumping out of bed each day full of optimism, things may be progressing particularly well in business, perhaps your bank balance has never looked so good! 

To others it may appear that you have all the luck in the world, when in actual fact you've invited it all in on your own. Even perceived as the "lucky one"!  Where luck is more of a skill than by chance.

It is helpful to be aware that like energy attracts energy. For example, I know when my vibration has dropped because all areas of my life are impacted in some way. My energy might be poor or my health dodgy, sales in business may drop, money may not be flowing as it should.  If however your vibration is high, you are more likely to attract those positive, motivating people into your life that you desire; you are probably bouncing with energy; that job promotion you hoped for just landed; opportunities seem to fall in your lap.

So how do we raise our vibration? I know it sounds complex but I'm here to tell you, it's the simplest of activities! I learn how to attract high energy in more abundance in your life. From my own experience by the the practice of spiritual high energy. It created a results of more international awards than anyone in my Feild and lucky in love and in life.


"Spiritual" is a human FEELING. It is a human experience. Completely internal.

The universe does not care that you think you FEEL connected with it.

IT'S THE FUCKING UNIVERSE! For God's sake! Time to buy a vowel!


I avoid using the word "spiritual" or any of its derivatives because I believe they impede meaningful communication. When I hear or read someone using the word "spiritual" I have no understanding of what they mean. It seems to be one of those buzzwords that are used when the speaker is unclear about what they are trying to convey.


Exactly! The perfect description of a existential crisis!
How will you ever survive?

The vast majority of people are just scripted into suffering survival mode all the time. I script my life with help from spiritual/ Science evolution of beauty and love. That is making me happier and thriving in life.
Same like Neil DeGrasse and Sagan , we are made of star stuff.

@Castlepaloma Just as there should be a separation of church & state, I try to keep spiritual separate from science.

There is no laws or God corrosion forces needed for anyone by using various spiritual ways, not like Religion at all. Sagan or DeGrasse, Hawkings and Enistein or the most impressive list of scienceist I have ever seen don't believe in personal God's. No need for separation for what is or unknowns spiritual evolution.

@Castlepaloma The problem with using the word 'spiritual' is that it is so vague. I don't know what you mean by 'spiritual ways'? On the other hand, science tends to be precise in its' methodology so I don't think the two should be comingled.

No matter if you think spiritual works or not. There are far too many testimonials of great men throughout history I respect. Who describe how spiritual connection has given them empowerment and personal growth to their lives. Most actually detest Religion also.

@Castlepaloma I don't know what you mean by 'spiritual connection'? A feeling of oneness with the universe? The problem with anecdotal testimony is that it is completely subjective. There is no evidence to date which shows that a spiritual experience is anything other than internally produced. (Victor Stenger) It's all in your mind. (Jimi Hendrix)


"Spiritual" is a feeling.

A good part, yet so much more.

@Castlepaloma No. It is just a feeling.

Are you so absolutly certain just feelings is the total definition?
Just read all the post on this thread.


Christina Puchalski, MD, Institute for Spirituality and Health, contends that "spirituality is the aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose and the way they experience their connectedness to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to the significant or sacred."

Mario Beauregard Spiritual Brain, “spirituality means any experience that is thought to bring the experiencer into contact with the divine in other words, not just any experience that feels meaningful.

Ruth Beckmann “the spiritual dimension tries to be in harmony with the universe, and strives for answers about the infinite, and comes into focus when the person faces emotional stress, physical illness, or death.

@Castlepaloma Mario's "divine" need not be anything other than the truth, or coming closer to an understanding of it, rather than a 'thing' in time and space.
If he means "experience" as in a flash of insight into the true nature of matter and energy, and calls that a "spiritual experience," so be it.
It's too bad the Jesus myth created so much misunderstanding of what spirituality really is, by dressing it up with "miracles" and other tangible "proofs" of legitimacy, when it's really available to anyone who thinks hard enough about life, death, reality.
This world is wondrous enough without trying to escape into another one.
I DO think other planes of existence, other dimensions, are possible, even probable, but I'll never experience them here and now.
But I AM experiencing this world, even if my powers of perception can only detect a fraction of it.

Sounds like, up incoming and being there.

I can only handle in small doses of broken parrots living the bronze age.

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