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I know I'm talking to an international group here. Again; we ask your indulgence while we work to correct this;

Robecology 9 Oct 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Wow, and this from you, a conservative atheist about a make-believe-conservative atheist?!?
Or is your complaint he's just not conservative enough, or too blatant and obvious about his criminality?
Our erstwhile and maybe future friends DO understand there are some sane Americans.
Our enemies love Trump, hope for more of same, and will almost certainly get him or her at least every other time.
The truly perceptive ones know he's just the tip of the iceberg which may very well sink the ship, whether that be the U.S. or the whole Titanic world.

Thanks for the reply. Not sure why you assume I'm "make believe"...not sure what prompted the.arrogance and name calling on your part...

I don't consider myself a "conservative" atheist...perhaps a centrist who likes some conservative values (minimalist government) and some progressive ones (health care for all)..

And It's not that he's not "conservative enough" nor "liberal" enough...he's just so flat-out dishonest.

But I do know that I've read that a vast majority of folk on this page are shocked, saddened and confused by the corrupt, lying, deceitful behavior of our POTUS...and I sense you're in the same boat...that he is, indeed, the "tip of the iceberg....and he may, indeed, hurt not only the U.S.; but the whole world.

We're working hard, maturely, quietly, sophisticatedly - to oust him.

Let me know If I can send you one of these....

@Robecology I meant HE'S a make-believe-conservative (closet) atheist, not you! You're the real thing (mostly). As far as "minimalist government" AND "health care for all?" Yeah right.
Frankly I'm sick of the "I want the best but I don't want to pay for it" mentality, the "supply-side" budget balancers, in short the "I want it all for nothing" lies. Raise taxes and lower spending or shut up!
You want few or no abortions? Then get real with sex education and contraception! I could go on and on and on.
Suffice to say conservatives live in an Objectivist fantasy world. Ayn Rand is their heroine. Has nothing to do with reality but that hasn't stopped them yet.

@Storm1752 I too, and sick and tired of the Trump and Republican shenanigans....that's why I posted this message to our international audience. I know that there's folks reading this in England, Australia, the Philippines, Africa, and Hong again...I can only say to you and patient with us....we are working to remove him. Watch the Maddow Show on MSNBC.

@Robecology Too bad we couldn't go back in time and remove Raegan and George W. while we're at it, and half the Supreme Court, and a whole lot of Senators and Congressmen, and state governors and legislators and school board members and...
But I guess to do that we'd have to get rid of all the people who voted for them too, and the people they listen to who warp their minds, and the think tanks and foundations who sponsor, support, fund and provide personnel for the whole "vast right-wing conspiracy" Hillary talked about.
So, you see, getting rid of Donald Trump is an absurdly futile enterprise. As I said he's just the tip of the iceberg which is threatening to sink Titanic Earth.
Good thing we're agnostics or atheists. We at least realize in the long run it matters not one single bit.

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