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For this special occasion, Columbus Day . . .

In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue,
having ate beans before he started,
all night and all day Columbus farted,
this did not please the crew,
so the call for mutiny grew.
They were running for their guns,
when something else came out of Columbus's buns.
It spread throughout the deck,
and dispersed the crew like a train wreck.
Having foiled the mutiny,
Columbus continued on his journey.
But the crew had had enough it seems,
they jettisoned all the beans.
But Columbus found some more,
and blew the hinges off his cabin's door.
At last they landed in the beautiful bay,
but they are cleaning up what Columbus did to this day.

Archeus_Lore 7 Oct 14

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His ship was full of alcohol because the sea water couldn't be imbibed because of all of the salt it contains.


The ship was full of shit?


Angered after all the farts
They felt murderous in their hearts
So, proceeding at full tilt
They left the natives all a'kilt.

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