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Life On Mars.

Does anyone know anything more about this?


Geoffrey51 8 Oct 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I remember that first report that life had been detected on Mars, followed by caution that the test was not conclusive. I wondered at the time how the test could possibly be wrong. It won’t surprise me at all if life is discovered on Mars.


They said there was life in North Dakota. I have been there, and they were wrong.


Interesting. I had always heard that the Viking test was inconclusive, and... not really anything else. I didn't know there were many tests done. I didn't know anything about the nature of the tests. At least, I don't recall hearing any of this before.

I think it would make for a good documentary film.


I'm not sure what goes on with Mars but we could be hiding a lot of information. When you follow everything reported about it there seems to also be a lot of things made up.

Anybody can write anything they want, some rag will pay for it. This is a blog site, not actually "Scientific American", the well-respected journal.
Inspect the standing of your sources in the scentific community, beware of stuff "faith-based" colleges support, for just one example!

@AnneWimsey It's under the auspices of Scientific American, essentially from the editors.

@bingst repeat a BLOG where anybody can write anything.....

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