20 new moons were just discovered orbiting Saturn, AND YOU CAN HELP NAME THEM! To submit your suggestion, tweet it to @SaturnLunacy with the hashtag #NameSaturnsMoons.
Saturn now has 82 moons, more moons than any other planet in the solar system, including Jupiter, which has 79.
I call foul. If pluto can’t be a planet the Saturn can’t get more moons! Wtf astro physicists, yawl aren’t playing right.
Ohhh.... look how happy you made him!
Moony McMoonface
That cracked me up!
This is a 'duplicate' of : '"Saturn overtakes Jupiter as host to most moons in solar system
Thanks for pointing that out. I inadvertently included the wrong link. I just corrected it. I wanted to convey the information about the contest to name the newly discovered moons.