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Please Agnostics tell me what evidence would you need to convince you the God of the Bible exists ?

AdrianDiadato3 5 Oct 15

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A physical appearance with some magic tricks.


Real facts and him coming back

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 18, 2019

Literal indisputable proof.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 18, 2019

That's kind of the wrong question. My epistemological approach to life is that it only takes one thing to convince me of the truth of anything, gods or otherwise -- valid evidence. Valid evidence has never been presented for any god -- much less the god of the Bible -- all that has ever been provided are baseless assertions and claims. The Bible is the claim, not the evidence. Dogma based on the Bible is a questionable interpretation of the claim -- not evidence.

There's also a practical problem: the standard-issue god hypothesis states that god is outside or above nature, therefore supernatural. The supernatural is a useless and illogical concept because definitionally nothing can ever be known or verified concerning it. Being supernatural, it is inaccessible to the inhabitants of the natural world. If it were accessible then it would itself be part of the natural world. This is the basis of historic agnosticism -- not that a particular individual lacks knowledge concerning god at the moment, but that god, as posited, is inherently unknowable. In fact, god, as posited, is not even a coherent concept.

Lacking a knowledge claim about the deity, it is blasted hard to have belief position about it, either. Since I find the Abrahamic deity unknowable, I find it unbelievable as well.


Trouble is that the Bible describes God in various conflicting and unbelievable ways. I don’t know why people are expected to believe or disbelieve things. We can simply look at the Bible and see that it is mixed up and off base and not suitable as an authority. Because some people have erroneously described something does not invalidate or disprove the existence of that thing.

But I’d say that before talking about existence we ought to find out the meaning of existence and if “we” are going to speculate, “we” ought to figure out what the hell “we” are in the first place. Being convinced of something presupposes conscious awareness, a deep and profound mystery. If “we” are going to make these grand determinations about ultimate reality shouldn’t “we” first understand the foundation of all knowing?


A personal appearance would be nice and perform a miracle or two...


a valid driver's license with a picture ID and a birth certificate.


The word god was used for natural events that occurred such as the approaching thunderstorm in Garden of Eden. The thunder was the steps and words of god and the lightning was the bright sword of god. The flood was an act of god that forced Adam and Eve away. The phrase 'it was an act of god' is still in use. Adam and Eve were the earliest people about which Moses found out. The aqueducts in Garden of Eden required many workers.

Guido Level 4 Oct 16, 2019

Personal appearance and a sense of decency

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 16, 2019


Why is that so funny?

@AdrianDiadato3 Because it can't be proven. If such a being exists, the implication is that it can manipulate the timeline. There isn't any way it can prove it was there and did whatever, because it can always go back and make it so. Plus, there's always the possibility if one such being exists, why can't there be other such beings? And then the ultimate question, where did such a being come from; who created it? And then one can ask the same question of -that- being. Where is the ultimate truth?

@bingst Wow you have brought up another interesting question. Is God a Time Traveller ?

Plus the point on who created God and that infinite regress is attempted to be explained by thiests by saying that there must be an uncaused first cause who is that god of the universe that exists outside of time, space and matter.


Hmm he'd have to walk up and introduce himself - then he's have to explain all the things he's let go on that are horribly inhumane and "for our own good" - perhaps perform a few miracles - while a team of debunkers and scientists looked on with all kinds of equipment running to prove there were no shenanigans going on.... and then we'd have a "Come to Jesus moment" when I'd be yelling at him "What the HELL were you thinking?" - while I hit him repeatedly with something - maybe a rolled up newspaper?
Wait that was my pre-deconversion fantasy - Nevermind.... 😉

According to the Bible everything inhumane that has happened is for our own good as a whole

@AdrianDiadato3 Right and as an atheist I find that very convenient for god.

Everything bad is an "eat your veggies" moment from god to his kids.

There were an awful lot of murderous things that happen in the bible at God's behest.
I really have an issue with any God who doesn't follow basic Humanist tenants.

I don't see God as a good guy - not in any of the religions. Nevermind the dude doesn't respect women.

Yes and he's also racist and egomanical .. but I guess he has a valid reason he created the universe

@AdrianDiadato3 of course it is! All paedophiles have God’s blessing then.

@AdrianDiadato3 Why would there be a reason? That’s anthropomorphism of an unknown principle. It’s no different to rationalising a God of Thunder or any natural process.

@RavenCT Not only the pionts you made is the fact that he is vengeful angry wrathful and all round not nice guy. These are all the things we don't lile in our neighbors but we assign then to a deity...I don't think a real god would be like that.

@AdrianDiadato3 I believe a scientific event created the universe.

If you believe in a god designed universe we aren't on the same page.

@BarefootMike Even as a kid that really struck me as odd? Probably why I'm an atheist now right?! 🙂


I bet most of you do care one way or the other or you wouldn't be on this site to begin with .

Well many of us are here to escape the basic belief of most social media sites that there is a God and we all are believers.

You also have to realize this is also a Humanist site.

You can tap that Learn button near the top and there's information on both topics. 👍

Probably not. The reason I am here has nothing to do with a- anything. There are interesting and intelligent people to discuss with irrespective of gods or no gods discussion

It is ingenious of you, especially as a Level 3 member, to presume that you know the motivations or expectations of those who interact here as you have not Trev presented a serious discussion piece.

If you are serious about intelligent discourse please paste an opinion for discussion which you feel able to defend. Then you will understand this forum.

@Geoffrey51 mate Agnostic literally means not knowing and it implies the topic of objection is of the position on the deity, what would you like to discuss then .?

@AdrianDiadato3 You choose, as I said, I’m a-caring!

@Geoffrey51 what did you have for dinner last night?

@AdrianDiadato3 Why do you care?

@Geoffrey51 just changing the topic !

@AdrianDiadato3 How about making a statement about something you think is important


None because I don’t care one way or the other.

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