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Ok. Here’s one for you. It’s importance for people in our societies to have both tolerance and boundaries.

Given that an internet chat gives one of the least intrusive ways of being engaged with others, why do some people seem so challenged when others have different views to them on sites?
(I’m not talking about the people that try and find you physically; including remote into your computer; just normal chatting 🙂).

girlwithsmiles 8 Oct 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I volunteer for controversial chats. They are unaccustomed to being challenged, and I like to show them something new. I usually don't read their responses.

Mmm that’s a shame that you don’t read their responses, they might be asking you questions and trying to learn more. But each to their own 😉

@girlwithsmiles you're correct. Most of the responses come from "the usual suspects" but I will consider your suggestion.

  • Ok. Here’s one for you. It’s importance for people in our societies to have both tolerance and boundaries. *

Im thinking your premise is wrong, at least regarding the people you're talking about.

I’m thinking that I didn’t have a specific audience in mind, so that’s interesting. Would you care to expand?

@girlwithsmiles why do some people seem so challenged when others have different views to them on sites?

@MarkiusMahamius mmm that's not the audience I was aiming for, that's the issue I was raising. But your comment being that the premise is wrong because some people aren't challenged? They weren't the ones I was asking; I was asking the general audience, of whoever wanted to wanted to reply.

P.S. copying my words and popping them in italics isn't really expanding on your comment 😉

@girlwithsmiles i was trying to clarify what exactly i was replying to. I was trying to say that your statement about "why are some people so challenged", and your starement about the importance of tolerance and boundaries, are in direct contradiction, for the people youre talking about. You and i might think those things, but they dont, so its hardly surprising that they do things that don't make sense to us.

@MarkiusMahamius oh, I see. I guess it’s important as a whole, but many people are just struggling to understand each other. So in that sense, as long as people can cope with a level of dissonance, this is a good place to converse with people that they disagree with. Ultimately this will lead to more understanding and hopefully tolerance.

@girlwithsmiles exactly.


Because people don't want to actually hear your opinion/belief, they want to hear thier opinion/belief in your voice.

1of5 Level 8 Oct 17, 2019

How boring.

@girlwithsmiles yes, most people are


Simple solution don't give a fuck

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 17, 2019

The thing is I’ve been educated about others and their views by engaging. E.g. I now know a lot more about American’s views on their gun laws and why the big game trade exists due to listening to people that I probably wouldn’t engage with, ‘in real life’. That would be my loss, losing out on an education.


Online Disinhibition Effect

skado Level 9 Oct 17, 2019

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. I hadn’t thought of the lack of non verbal cues in relation to empathy. With a new study on smell and emotion in the New Scientist this weeks we’re missing nasal cues too 😉



I have noted that some people including myself are inexperienced with agreeable disagreement, and may either get offended or angry. Since joining the Agnostic site, I've begun to feel challenged by people that disagree with my choice of words or an idea. I now feel more like explaining and defending my point of view, if I really believe in it a lot. I may have more information on my point of view, from which they might benefit. Their disagreement with me impels me to state my perspective in a more detailed, clear, and forceful way, which encourages me to think about and express it more creatively.

Don't worry you are free to do what you want

That’s great, so glad you stuck with it.


The internet protects a person from physical injury during a dispute, perhaps that bit of protection makes people more bold.

Mmm I’m not the kind of person who’s likely to physically harm someone. But perhaps amongst males?

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