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Enough is enough, its the same old jargon, the same old excuses, innuendos and charm. Find me one generation who did not debate the same topics, with the same conclusions, yet the same situations have existed with the very same non results our entire history and you all can't see that as strange...almost as if dumbed down not to notice. Like politics, when has the controlling verbiage changed? When? And when did you first notice?

We live in a perpetual ground hog day(generations). Every generation has spawn the same results with no results as the back drop. And we sit, the average person, arguing, debating, spewing our opinions about this madness of chasing tails as if we created it and therefore have the solutions.

The only way that works is if you stop chasing your tails. But that would contain the belief that maybe just maybe we are all collectively wrong since we are all from the same species. A species which sees differences in each other (matrix). If you could remove the cloud of opinions and responses which camouflage the system you may actually see it clearly for the very first time. Symbolically, the answers would stop spinning, which could in theory change how you reason. When that happens, let me be the first to congratulate you, you just stepped outside the box.

As; if the reasoning we all use is in fact pure with intent and not held in check by reality, then why are we trying to change? Why are we talking about having to change the way we reason. Why are we trying to "THINK" outside the box.

I will let you in on another little secret; if we reasoned our way into a box, our reasoning made it make sense. So if we want change? Then we first need to understand what that change means. Right now none of us do. We actually think our opinion is the truth and our reasoning told us so. And now we're in a box and the world is going to shit and we can't put it together that it has something to do with how we reason things? Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

Epilogue: simply changing your opinion is not change, it is change within the same matrix you call a box of reasoning embossed by Aristotle and kind.

Sameasis 4 Oct 17

Enjoy being online again!

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"A species which sees differences in each other (matrix)."

I like your post. We may have finally outsmarted the need to classify most things (matrix), but you have to admit that for most of Homo Sapiens existence the ability to quickly differentiate (e.g. to efficiently identify threats) has been exceptionally paramount to survival.

We can't just sidestep that tendency because we want to. On the multi-million-year timeline of human existence, this here is the truly anomalous era. We haven't the skills to properly navigate this radical departure from our evolutionary track. It takes a long time to change out what evolutionary processes have developed for us, if indeed it is even necessary to do so.

Furthermore, immature minds focus on the difference between things. They have to. Mature minds can see the interconnectedness of all things, but only if and when they want to, i.e. when they feel it benefits them. There aren't enough altruistic people to keep a John Lennon philosophical stance going.

That's a pretty big hurdle for one whole species to jump over.

I would suggest there is a difference between being afraid and being alert. Animals are alert without fear. Fear and its reasoned counter vanity are only generated thru thought. Thinking about being alert can make one feel they are the same; opinion and fact.

The answers to change are easier than you can imagine. Know thy self. We don't know ourselves. Opinions have us so entangled, reality seems like a conspiracy theory. It was made that way and held in check to stay that way. So there must be a reason.


I usually ignore rambling posts but that ramble was actually quite sensible in a rambling sort of way! Nice one.

LOL Thank you, I am getting better...) I truly appreciate your reply. I feel I let people down when they become upset. I know its thru misinterpretation, I am assuming based on bias assumption of words and potentially how I express them. Which kinds sounds like a contradiction. Thanks again.

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