Love my spouse but tired of feeling lonely
Have an adventure together. Have sex in a different place. Explore the endless possibilities.
Sounds like you two are just bored.
Familiarity can breed contempt!
People do change and grow apart with time, yet can grow together also!
Couples seem to want different things at differnet times!
It is almost impossible to matchup those needs and wants 100%!
Physical, sexual, emotional needs and wants also change with time, our inclinations, are without any clear and present reason or cause!
Sometimes we hold on because it seems safe, wholesome, and easy to content with!
Life is always experimental and ever changing!
There is no easy answers to living your life!
Only depends how much you want and like your present situation, to stay and hold on!
Hi that is very sad ,I know in my case many years ago ,my husband and I grew apart ,in every way ,there was nothing left ,I still loved him ,but we became strangers,,things happen that you don't expect,feelings of sadness loneliness,,are all a part of being human ,,I do hope yr feeling of loneliness passes ,for you ,
So, are you saying you want a divorce?
Most women have women friends to talk to and run around with, and don't depend on men for intellectual company.
In most parts of the world, all that's expected of marriage is shared child rearing responsibitlies.
Many couples don't even take vacations together.
In Thailand, married couples often don't even live together, since many Thai men live with their mothers.
Are you lonely in your marriage and how so? Please elaborate.