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Perhaps it is down to my somewhat 'odd' Aussie sense of Humor BUT I just noticed the following bumper sticker on a car as it passed by my house while I was checking the mailbox.
It read, verbatim btw, in large letters, " Vegan Christians are going GAY without meat."
Now, I ask you, is IT just my 'odd ' Aussie sense of humor, OR is it a very funny and ambiguous kind of statement?

Triphid 9 Oct 21

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Yup strange

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 22, 2019

That was weird enough to make me want to google it. They could be right. With a twist. Correlation does not imply causation, and it just may be the other way around.... that homosexuality is causing Christians to become vegans. Here's an excerpt from an article I found:

:"The lesbian community knows what it’s like to be voiceless and to be treated as “less than.” That’s why we often have exceptional empathy for the downtrodden, the overlooked, the forgotten. No group of sentient beings is more exploited and neglected than the billions of cows, pigs, lambs, chickens and turkeys trapped in factory farms. Ellen DeGeneres and other well known members of the gay community have made this issue a top priority. The easiest way to help animals trapped in the horrors of industrial farming is simply not to eat them. As an out lesbian I find my veganism goes hand in hand with my sexual orientation. The gay community is also known for being on the fashion forefront. Compassion for all animals is the cutting edge cause of the day. It’s no accident that the first community in America to pass a bill that will ban the sale of fur is West Hollywood.

Read more at [];

Yes, BUT, modern humans, just like our earlier predecessors, EVOLVED as Omnivores, i.e. able to eat both Flesh and Vegetable matter.
For example, the human Appendix is really no longer of any use what-so-ever and as such IS prone to becoming infected/inflamed whereas in truly Herbivorous animals it IS a reservoir for the Cellulose bacteria needed to break down the cell walls of vegetable matter for better extraction of nutrients and, in herbivores the Appendix is MUCH, MUCH larger as such.
Veganism/Vegetarianism is, in my opinion and that of many, many others WITH even greater Medical Knowledge, etc, than I have, IS for all intents and purposes merely a kind of 'New Age Trend/Fashion' basically. No offense meant or intended to the Vegans/Vegetarians out there btw.

@Triphid In my case, it is a matter of consciousness. I have seen enough heart wrenching videos of an animal's life on a factory farm to know that I will in no way contribute to that suffering. To that end, I have eliminated meat, poultry and dairy from my diet. I also try, whenever possible, not to buy products made of leather or wool. The wool industry is every bit as heinous as the meat industry.

Keep in mind that some of the strongest, most powerful animals on this planet, are vegetarians. horses, gorillas, rhinos, giraffes, elephants, etc. We do not NEED flesh to exist. To reduce conscious vegetarianism to a "trend" is insulting to those of us who care deeply about the welfare of animals.

@TheoryNumber3 Many omnivorous humans I know are also people who care about the welfare of animals, me included.
As for the Wool Production Industry being "heinous" HOW do you come to that conclusion?
I have often worked with a number of Sheep Graziers in my area and can state, Categorically, that they treat their sheep quite decently and very humanely to say the very least.
Shearing sheep removes the annual build up of wool and IF left unshorn that wool continues to grow and grow until it becomes very matted, flies lay their eggs in it and the larvae, being flesh devouring themselves, worm their down through the matted, dirty, burr filled wool, find the skin of the animal and begin burrowing into then they start eating away at the living animal, Have you ever seen what a sheep infested with fly maggots looks like, I have when we have mustered sheep and found one or that have either missed the annual muster or have strayed from another property belong to a careless, useless Grazier, it is gut wrenching and the poor sheep is so badly chewed up with big holes through its skin, rotting flesh oozing foul smelling pus, etc, and the ONLY humane and decent thing that can be done is it put it out its misery with a .22 caliber bullet through its brain, instant death and relief.
Fyi, Shearing sheep IS harder on those shearing them than it is on the sheep by far harder on the Shearers than it is on the sheep themselves.
The average Shearer can manage to shear between 150 and 250 sheep per day, he starts work at 7.30am, spends the time bent over from the waist, holding the sheep firmly between his legs and shears off the wool, similar to a human undressing, in ONE complete piece, the sheep is then released down a slide to join the ones he has shorn previously, who, btw, are usually now feeling much, much lighter since they have just been unburdened of a load of wool that can weigh anywhere between 2-5 kilos.
It takes a good experienced shear less than 5 minutes, on average to shear each sheep and he does this non-stop from 7.30am until 'Smoko' time at 10.00am for a 15 minute break then goes back to again until 12.30pm when he breaks for 30 minutes for 'Crib' (Lunchtime) then resumes again until 4,30-5.00pm when it is 'Knock Off for the day time.' This WILL continue everyday, Monday thru Friday for as many weeks as there are sheep to shorn.
Immediately after shearing, the Grazier will 'dip' the sheep ( run them through a system of sprays) that will rid them of lice and other external pests, THEN 'drench' them ( give them an oral dose of vermicide medicine) to rid them of internal parasites, these treatments will last the sheep for the next 6 months BEFORE they are again mustered and the treatments are repeated.
I don't know HOW they do it America BUT over here the Graziers are up at between 5.00am and 6.00am, 7 days per week, and out and about by 7.00am checking on their sheep, checking the watering troughs to either clean them or ensure that they have fresh water in them for their sheep to drink, and in good times that may be anywhere from 2,500 to more 3-4,000 per property, then they travel around their property to check fences, gates, etc, AND during Lambing Season are out and about for even more and longer hours as well, to check if a ewe is in difficulty with lambing, etc,.
And you, City People, say Wool Production is "Heinous," think again Lady, it IS bloody hard, almost endless WORK with very little thanks for it also.

@Triphid Yeah... great guys. But not all of them.

Warning: This video contains discusting, cruel and despicable actions toward animals

@TheoryNumber3 Did you bother to note that I live in AUSTRALIA and NOT BRITAIN where that article originated?
Out here, IF a Shearer was doing shit like that either the Boss of the Shearing Crew or the Grazier would grab him/her by the scruff of his/her neck and kick his/her (yes, we also have female Shearers out as well) arse all the way back to their sleeping quarters to collect their belongs and then continue to kick their arse until they were OFF the property completely.
And word would quickly be spread around amongst EVER other Shearing Crew in the country and the mongrel would be hard pressed to even land a job trimming lawns after that.
To the Sheep Graziers (Sheep Cockies as they are affectionately called out here) their stock IS their livelihood and everyone of them IS important to them.
Yes, on rare occasions these days since the old blade shears are no longer used, a sheep gets a small nick BUT that small nick IS attended to immediately by covering it with an antiseptic solution mixed with Coal Tar to seal it and prevent infection from starting.
That IS a part of the job that the Shed Rouse-about does besides gathering up the fleeces and spreading them out on the Classing Table for the Wool Classer to check through and examine.
So, in future, PLEASE try NOT to compare Aussie Graziers, etc, with the Pommie kind.

@Triphid I'm not comparing anything. My original comment was that extreme cruelty exists in the sheer shearing industry. Yes, I'm aware that Britain and Australia are different countries on different continents. I'm not Donald Trump fercrissakes. If it doesn't occur where you are, good on you and more power to you. I'm just saying IT EXISTS, so please stow your self righteous defensive attitude and open your eyes to the fact that it does. Now if you don't mind I prefer to talk to someone a little more pleasant. Have a nice day.

@TheoryNumber3 Yes, and I also hope your days are wonderful as well, thank you.

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