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This robot wants to wear your face. You'll get $130,000 for sharing


. . . any agnostic takers ?

FearlessFly 9 Oct 22

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100 thousand pounds resembling purchasing human is flexible has hair that reacts to cold and heat perspires and guides sound into ear canals, lips that smile and eyes that react to light and react through personality.....$$$$$$$$$ bad plan to create a race of robots resembling any person once alive


This is really disgusting....robots should be OBVIOUSLY non-human NOT resembling Brent Spiner characters from star trek or the stepford wives....what is next?? Artificial vaginae or robot penile substitutes for human coitus ?


My kid brother told me I look like the Unabomber. He said he would tell the cops, get the reward, and leave town. Before I volunteer my face, I want to know what this robot will be programmed to do.

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