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If I had written down all the posts that I ever thought of I would be on level 9 by now - or close. How do you marshal and pre-record each post?

Mcflewster 8 Oct 23

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Actually, writing down a topic without posting it gets you no points lol
Level 9 isn't that easy... At some point, you don't gain points when members reply to your posts.. each points category maxes out until you reach the next level... Best way to level up is to make more replies and comments....

Thanks for the tips


I don't. I think of a really great post in the middle of the day when working, and when I sit down at the computer in the evening I have completely forgotten it. Getting old, guess I should carry a notepad or smart phone. Nah, too much bother.

PS. You don't want to get to level nine, that is when they send you the invoice for the tshirt you got at level eight, and sell your address to Christian mailing groups. LOL

I am looking forward to your PS

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