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i'm posting for sympathy and advice here and i will appreciate even harsh words.

I feel so depressed because it feels like my life is going backwards. I have this need to be wanted and loved and the the woman I have decided to fall in love with, propose to and spend my time romancing can be as cold as ice towards me.

She says she loves me and needs me yet her actions say otherwise. She will often ignore me for long periods of time saying she has stuff to do like look after her grown up kids, pay her bills and look after her home, she is busy. We don't yet live together and its long over due (3.5 years) but she holds out and it makes me feel un-trustable or something. Every bone in my body shouts at me to leave her cold ass. But i cant, all i do is think about her and the scraps of time and affection she gives me keep me hungry for more. I feel like a stray dog looking for a home.

I don't know whats wrong with me i am a decent man, kind, fun, generous and very romantic but finding reciprocation seems impossible. Maybe i ooze some sort of reprehensible quality i am unaware of i just don't know.

I need a hug or something 😟

Nardi 7 Oct 27

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I would recommend getting a dog.


Hopefully you are not co-dependent or trying to fill a void, you never had fulfilled by parents, with a romantic partner. This is co-dependence explained:

"Dependency: Codependents need other people to like them to feel okay about themselves. They’re afraid of being rejected or abandoned, even if they can function on their own. Others need always to be in a relationship, because they feel depressed or lonely when they’re by themselves for too long. This trait makes it hard for them to end a relationship, even when the relationship is painful or abusive. They end up feeling trapped."


Shit that sounds like me to a tee 😲


"I feel so depressed because it feels like my life is going backwards"

Well... That's because your life is indeed going backwards. See you were out hunting and you were coaxed inside under promise of warmth, and what were you given? The cold shoulder...


Actions speak louder then words. It sounds like you need more from the relationship than you are getting (or that your girl is capable of giving). You should not be settling for scraps. I was putting up with a lot of nonsense at the end of my marriage and I finally had to admit that I should not be trying to save my marriage "at all cost" (not worth my self respect and compromising my values). It sounds like it is time for you to move on. Being alone is an adjustment but it is so much better than losing your sense of self worth. There are tons of people in the world....there is a better match for you out there.


It seems to me that all worthwhile relationships operate on the basis of reciprocity. Many relationships begin with unstated reasonable/unreasonable expectations that surface sooner or later and often prove a testing ground that determines whether or not the relationship will continue and move from strength to strength.

Of course, there is the time investment of 3.5 years and like any kind of investment of this nature there is often a reluctance to let go of it and whatever thoughts or beliefs one has formed about it. I think that after 3.5 years all issues of trust should have been resolved

Personally, if I think that it is time for both of you to sit down and do some straight talking with one another and decide where the relationship is headed, if anywhere.


I don’t think the problem lies with you but with her. It sounds as if she doesn’t want to commit, but is keeping you dangling instead of being truthful. After 3 and a half years she should know if she wants to make your relationship permanent or not. You need to have a very frank talk with her and get her to say yes or no to whether you’re staying together as a couple, and that means co-habiting. If she won't give you a straight answer, then I feel you must walk away, no matter how hard it will be for you to do so. There are other women out there who would appreciate your qualities better than she. She has eroded your confidence, that may or may not be deliberate on her part, but no matter, you cannot let it continue or your health will suffer. Your happiness and wellbeing are important, so start thinking about what’s best for you.

I agree.

I don't know her or her reasons, but my reading of the post does not convey a woman who is really into this relationship at all.


Be careful friend she is using you, run like hell, been there and the worst is yet to come

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 27, 2019

Well, why can't you be with her when she's busy and help her.. She'd be less busy and you both would be spending time together...


I don't know this woman, but I suspect that if I were to meet her and we had a few heart-to-heart chats over coffee and prosecco I'd very soon discover that she has some trust issues - I'd bet a pound to a penny she's been hurt, probably badly, by another man who said he was a decent man.

I don't doubt for even a moment that you are a genuinely decent man; I've read several of your posts on here and sense that you are. Prove that to her by sticking by her and being there - if she's been hurt, she needs to know you'll do that.

Jnei Level 8 Oct 27, 2019

While what you say about her may be true, I completely disagree that he should tough it out.

While some of what @Nardi is saying comes off as needy, it is true that SOME people who are not really into their relationship dole out crumbs and don't really put both feet in.

Every single person deserves to have their needs met. No, not every minute of every day. What I hear is a woman who is simply not as into you as you are into her.

3.5 years is a long relationship. I don't know how long you've been feeling this way @Nardi, but how much longer do you want to continue feeling this way? I don't see it changing and, honestly, it sounds to me like she is simply not seeking the same things from you or this relationship that you are.


A bad situation to be in.



Straight Talk? it sounds like your depression is the result of having a pretty accurate picture of where you are. I say listen to your bones and get ready for some changes.

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