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Some questions for those members that do not think that Trump should be impeached, why?

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273kelvin 8 Oct 27

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Voter registration in the U.S...
Republicans 25%
Democrats 35%
Independents 45%
I think trump should be convicted in the Senate and dismissed from office. My fear is if he is the Republicans will nominate someone more centrist, and the Dems will nominate some one too liberal for that 45% who are centrist, and we will lose. If you can't get a big chunk of independents in a Presidential election, you can't win. I am very liberal, but I am practical, and I believe if trump runs he will lose. Besides the fact a majority of people don't like him, you can tell trump fatigue is really kicking in even for a lot of people who voted for him. It is something everyday and has been that way since before he was elected. People here are worn out from this daily bombardment of his bullshit. IMO

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