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Out of 100 planets that evolved with a tribe based and religious beginning, how many would self destruct like ours?

PondartIncbendog 8 Oct 28

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We are still here, so we haven't self destructed yet. We just can't get our shit together and probably never will.


The planet is going to be fine. Life as we know it will change. I think you are blaming to much on religion and tribalism here. Planetary problems are industrialization and greed. We got to smart for our own good.

MsAl Level 8 Oct 28, 2019

@Matias I think religion started innocent but became a way of enforcing tribalism and making it more than natural bonding and cooperation with others in our group. Especially the big industrialized ones.

I think religion involves a lot of buck passing regarding the results of our own greed and industrialization (one and the same, I think)..... as in "god works in mysterious ways" 🎁od is not going to fix this. As stewards of the earth, regardless of how we or it got here, I think we should get off our own asses and do something about the mess we've made of this planet.

@TheoryNumber3 Yes but the whole problem came around because we got to good as a species at getting off our asses getting things done in the first place. I'm not sure that competing interests and the controll money has will allow us to backtrack as much as we need to. We need to make radical changes to society now and people just keep fighting about straws..

@MsAl As much good as industrialization does, there is an even great amount of damage in its wake.

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