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We all owe a deep debt of gratitude to the loyal patriots who have defied Trump’s orders not to testify before the House committees and who are telling the truth about this president’s corruption and treachery. I salute them all!

On the other hand, I say to all of the Republican politicians who are seeking to aid and abet the president in his crimes and violations of our constitution by attempting to disparage, discredit and defame these true patriots: It is time to either stand up for the truth, for our Constitution, our democracy and our people. If you cannot do that, you show the melting of any semblance of a patriotic and moral spine, and it is time for you to slither away in the grass before history steps on your cowardly, dangerous heads.

wordywalt 9 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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They are already trying to discredit this Purple Heart recipient. I'd like to say I'm shocked, but nothing they do can surprise me anymore.

That is just how low today's Republicans have sunk.

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